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  1. Hey, we shouldn't be disrespectful to the other bands, but Wakeland has to give them some hope.
  2. Try not to make it obvious you go to Argyle challenge: IMPOSSIBLE EDITION
  3. if anyone gets detailed prelim rankings could you please post them?
  4. everyone makes mistakes you don't need to keep looking for fights and putting all the blame on the director. no one was at fault. that is a very immature way to look at the situation. also it literally says the kids were never told a set time to start, just when the drum majors put them to set. there was not enough time to inform the entire band of a change. it was a gamble that they didn't have any control over. if it is what it is there wouldn't be people taking sides on the matter, we're all definitely upset, but the points you make don't correspond with what actually happened if you're simply going off what you "believe" to be true.
  5. that is true but at least this year in my opinion lone star's show won't be able to beat wakeland in ge. in 2019 maybe, and yeah it wouldn't be impossible even today, but definitely not likely.
  6. not any of the bands in area b at least. the closest runner up would be lone star, and wakeland would only have a chance (probable not even) of losing music. visual and ge isn't even a question.
  7. i haven't actually seen their show yet. does anyone have a video of a run?
  8. nowhere did i say wakeland was unbeatable. i'm just saying they carry out a level of excellence that lone star currently isn't up to. nothing about any other bands
  9. yeah you're right i just kinda threw together a quick list without thinking much it is what it is kinda worn out by all the other things happening
  10. 1. wakeland 2. keller 3. waxahachie 4. allen 5. lake ridge 6. james martin 7. plano east 8. fossil ridge 9. berkner 10. byron nelson music: wakeland visual: wakeland percussion: wakeland auxiliary: keller
  11. its not an excuse. i'm not trying to justify anything for them. also, the show was never too long, it would've fit in the allotted time if not for the malfunction, and if you watch their previous performances, they're able to fit it in 8 minutes. should they have cut it short? probably. saying equipment malfunction isn't a legitimate excuse is just straight up irrational. should the band be to blame for a malfunction and just have it count as illegitimate? also your 8 minute 20 second meme doesn't work if their show isn't even that long. the main flaw in your argument is that you keep saying their show is "too long" and the director should've cut it short when that isn't the problem. maybe you should show some respect to the people in the band and the directors who've put in all the work just to have a performance denied from them, and prevent them from seeing people online invalidate their achievements due to personal bias? it's okay to have an opinion but no need to get so hostile over such a small matter (i shouldn't be talking i guess but too late now right?). it sounds to me like you're a parent of a wakeland student, so what do you gain by pinning all the blame on their director? they definitely are learning from this experience and will probably learn to cut their show short in the future if a similar situation ever happens again, but at the end of the day it simply isn't their fault, and rules are rules, so they won't be advancing to area no matter what anyone on here says. it's a bummer we won't be getting to see wakeland (win) at area b, but i'll definitely be looking out for them at duncanville. it's definitely a good choice for next weekend for them.
  12. yeah, like atomic said, their show is short enough to be under 8 minutes. the problem wasn't due to timing, it was a equipment malfunction with the synth, as they had to restart one of their macbooks.
  13. wouldn't put it at horrendous, but at least don't give them a division 1 rating at first. all the wakeland kids thought they were going to this competition just to have it changed up on them last second, although i would say it is technically "fair" if you think about it straight on but i do see where people are coming from when they argue that it isn't. at the end of the day it did happen, and the band won't get the chance to go whether people think it's fair or not. excited for duncanville with wakeland though for sure
  14. Wakeland moved a lot while Lone Star barely went behind the front hash. they sounded great i'll admit, but visually i don't think they'll be as clean as Wakeland this season. while they do have a bigger program going for them, i think Wakeland has better moments overall when they're playing in place. both groups have things they need to work on, but overall ill have to give it to Wakeland by a long shot, especially since their show is definitely more physically challenging
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