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  1. The man shot on last Saturdays TCGC contest is ok! And here’s his interview. The quick thinking of some of the Pasadena Memorial band students to aid him was truly amazing! I didn’t aid him, because he was already receiving it by the way if anybody was wondering. I knew he was in good hands.
  2. I was working at the contest inside the school as a volunteer not TCGC Near the entrance of the school in the back where the auditorium is, somebody shot. I heard it once and didn’t think much, but everybody started running towards my direction, cause I was next to the cafeteria in the nearest exit I ran out with my friends to a near church and to the houses and I got picked up Some guy that got shot was running with us out but he had to lay down next to the school I’m okay, the image of people running for their lives is something that’ll forever be burned to my mind.
  3. What if instead of like overall scores, or placements. It was like, who has the biggest props??
  4. Pasadena Memorial locked tf in for finals, being able to beat Clements and get 7th. I couldn't see them get any higher tbh. Same for Lake locking in and getting 6th, which would of been state for Lake if hightower made Area and it was 30. That would of been cool to see, it is what it is tho, onto State!
  5. Welcome to Area Judging you must be new. Clear Falls did the exact opposite of what you are talking about. 19,19,7,17,19. They had one judge who liked them. George Ranch was a 25,12,15,28,18. It really wasn't just one judge. Elkins was a 10,14,17,26,23. Looks like visually they weren't good at all. With those visual judges. Look, Area has always been like this, judges gaps are very common. And I've said this before, even before Area. Your past results in other competitions. Do not affect how you do at Area at all, because the judges don't care how you did. It might be a guide on what will happen, but what happens on Area is what will actually affect your score at Area. But at the end of the day, we can just appreciate these band programs for everyone in the Area. You don't need to 5 judges to know you aren't as good as others.
  6. Speaking of BOA Contests. Looking over the Area Finalists this year, there are only 2 bands that don't attend BOA Contests at all or at least this year. Pasadena Memorial and Clements. I really hope to see them do BOA in the future, they can do some good things. They have the talent!
  7. Sam Rayburn break dancing was **** amazing. I loved that
  8. I think that would happen if the Area got too large like Area C, or competitive. But it seems pretty organized rn, there's no need for the area to be split up again.
  9. You're right, weather definitely had a factor. Also it didn't rain while Pasadena Memorial performed when I saw their prelims run in youtube. It can truly account to what happened yesterday, it is surprising seeing the consistency of where bands stand throughout the season just for Area to mix everything up like never before UIL judging is interesting and created the product of yesterday, at the end of the day that's what some bands do really well, at appealing to the scoring system and others don't. UIL is about clean clean clean, musically and visually, and that's what we saw. Why do you think Hebron lost to Vandy 2022 state finals, Vandy just had a cleaner run. Even though hebron had an overall outstanding show. But yeah prelims was interesting. Like bwood to 24th 🤯 after 6th in finals last year ??
  10. Untrue, no judges were from the Houston area or Pasadena ISD. If they were truly biased towards Pasadena Memorial they would of been placed higher. The judges were all from the Dallas Austin Area From my understanding you are misunderstanding how Freedom Field before finals announcements, announced the representatives from several districts not just Pasadena ISD. NOT the judges If this were the case other schools in Pasadena ISD would of been placed higher. And you can't deny that Pasadena Memorial had consistent judging in Finals that put them over bands like Clements, Fulshear, and Foster. If they didn't deserve it they would of placed 10th in finals. The prelims judging was wacky I do understand that.
  11. At the same time the judging was ok, like the finals looked sorta consistent, but there were bands riddled with like a 5 from one judge The prelims judging is straight up crazy bro Deer Park over Clear Falls is insane work Other examples like that follow,
  12. I am shocked, Foster in 8th is insane. I lowkey thought Pasadena Memorial was done in prelims, but to make finals and jump to 7th is crazy. Well done by Clements! Showed everyone wrong, even I thought they were in jeopardy In making finals, idk how I feel about them in 6th in prelims. Clear Lake, very much proud of them. The top 5 to state was lowkey not surprising at all, good job to everyone!
  13. All the bands that have performed so far on youtube. Pasadena Memorial could lowkey miss finals 😬
  14. Rank all of them atm in your opinion
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