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About BassoonSOLO5456

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. I can see Reedy and Lebanon Trail making high placements and am excited to see how everything plays out.
  2. Its insane all these bands are so good I'm really looking forward to what happens in this area.
  3. Where did you find the video? I can't say I'm not surprised if the audio is turned off like someone was told to turn it off when they play.
  4. Yea its a sad time I like watched but wasn't able to actually like listen to it
  5. Does anyone have a video of Wakeland or Lebanon Trail?
  6. Yes I agree I think Wakeland and Lone Star could be top 2 but as you have said we will not know who is really gonna make so we don't know about Mckinney North, Argyle, or Lebanon Trail. I feel like lebanon trail is going to be good but I don't know how good as I haven't yet seen them in person but I think Mckinney North will be better than Lebanon Trail as that will take a lot of effort although Mckinney North is good.
  7. This area is one of the most interesting areas in the state considering the fact of how competitive it is and the results of area last year. I can't wait to see the rise of the band in this area Here are my early top 5 predictions for this area 1.Wakeland(one of the best bands in the whole state of Texas) 2. Lone Star( Had a very good show last year and I'm excited to see what they can bring to the table this year 3. Argyle/Lebanon Trail/ 4. Argyle Lebanon Trail/
  8. Yes, I agree we will have to wait, but I'm saying this could be a breakout year for them based on what I have heard. I wouldn't say like top 9 but maybe top 4-5 they are kind of underrated. You are right that they aren't better than Leander has a bigger school district if you think about it.
  9. I agree your predictions are accurate I feel like Argyle has the ability to pull it off this season their show is going to better from what I have heard and they can potientally be 3rd or 4th in finals at state.
  10. Any other bands in texas that have a show already revealed?
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