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About BassoonSOLO5456

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Looks like Reedystudent123 and marchingband2 have different opinions of their own band.
  2. Yeah if it was last year then that can be acceptable but like previous years before that I can't understand that but I mean I have watched some shows in this area but idk.
  3. Agreed man these are not the most accurate imo
  4. These are not pretty acurate man Agreed
  5. No hate for anyone in Mckinney North who is in this forum but I just feel like they have leveled down this year with music like last year I loved their music and this year I have a way different feeling and opinion about that.
  6. Have no idea I was trying to find that out but no luck yet.
  7. No, it is not relative to their size I think it's the same for everyone.
  8. Yes, area is going to be a very good competition this Saturday there are going to be so many cool shows and surprises. I can't wait to see how everything works out this weekend really looking forward to it.
  9. I can see Reedy and Lebanon Trail making high placements and am excited to see how everything plays out.
  10. Can I get the recording please?
  11. Its insane all these bands are so good I'm really looking forward to what happens in this area.
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