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Everything posted by MyHornIsFrench

  1. People that watched showcase, what did yall think of each of the shows?
  2. They're a new Frisco school. It's their 4th year open and only their second year as a varsity band.
  3. Anyone got videos of showcase? I'm really curious about the other frisco bands!
  4. If anybody wants to watch the FISD marching showcase here's the link https://www.sportsengineplay.com/Texas/Frisco-ISD-Other-Content/Frisco-ISD-Band/game/2024-Marching-Band-Showcase-2024-09-24?video_id=66e48a4ff538d4818533302a Order Independence Lone Star Heritage Liberty Wakeland Centennial Frisco Panther Creek Emerson Memorial Lebanon Trail Reedy Indi starts at 6 30 and they go in 15 minute intervals
  5. I wish I could watch it tonight but I have rehearsal till 8:30 😭😭😭😭
  6. It was probably recognized by youtube and the audio got taken down. But on this forum someone posted the video of their game and it had their shows in it, but the video got pivated.
  7. I might do that, especially since my band director marched crown. There might be the issue that I'm a section leader and dci overlaps with band camp and she might not like that😭. I'll definitely ask though.
  8. Frrr, when I saw their show I was completely bewildered with how good it was.
  9. The colony sounded really good other than the less than ideal audio quality, but during wakelands performance the audio simply wasn't there so idk how their music is going.
  10. I've been really interested in joining Carolina Crown for a while, but I'm a junior in high school so obviously I thought I couldn't join. When I found out that I could still join while in high school I got really excited, then I looked at the price.... I do currently have a job with slow hours due to my own marching season, but I am getting some payment every now and then. I would definitely be willing to pay the audition fee, but I'm not making my parents pay for the actual program because of the thousands of dollars... I may not be looking in the right places but I can't find stuff about how to pay for the corp on either the dci website or the Crown site. I don't know if I'd be able to pay later and just be in debt or what. So with that I have two questions. How does the payment process work? And what would be the best way to be able to pay for it?
  11. I don't have any performance videos, but I do think that the LT Mellos might have posted some of their music on their Instagram account.
  12. If I could get that video it'd be great! I have a friend that goes to MN and I've really been wanting to see their progress.
  13. Do people have any other videos of bands in the area?
  14. How were you able to watch them?? Are there videos on youtube already?! Because I'd love to see what the other schools are up to!
  15. Wakeland Argyle Memorial Emerson Lone Star Lebanon Trail And some others but I could hardly hear
  16. I don't know how it is for other schools, but for my school we were told not to post our show (people do anyway) because of copyright laws. I know I asked my band director about how cool it would be to have a phantom of the opera show, and she said we couldn't because of some copyright things. So mu assumption is that bands have the permission to use it in their shiw but not anything else, including social media. Of course that's still a guess.πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
  17. Yeah, using this one is definetly the best plan. So yeah the competition is happening tommorow. I really hope that the universe decides it likes our Area and just doesn't rain somehow. Fingers crossed that's the case.🀞
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