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Posts posted by MyHornIsFrench

  1. 1 hour ago, FABob said:

    As someone who works with bands in the area, it would be nice if people would stop sharing videos, and posting them on YouTube. We have to contend with a lot of copyright rules and regulations, and you are putting the bands at risk. If you want to see the band, buy a ticket for a show, or go to a football game. Many bands also are still learning their show, and would appreciate their first impression being on their timeline, not yours.

    You're right. Mb 😅

  2. Just now, TubaBoi123 said:

    maybe there will be a video tonight they have a game vs lebanon trail, to very consistently placing bands in this area. would be a amazing halftime to watch!

    I wish I could watch it tonight but I have rehearsal till 8:30 😭😭😭😭 


    Where did you find the video? I can't say I'm not surprised if the audio is turned off like someone was told to turn it off when they play.

    It was probably recognized by youtube and the audio got taken down. But on this forum someone posted the video of their game and it had their shows in it, but the video got pivated.

  4. 1 hour ago, homerchap said:

    I know with our band program after someone made a DCI group, they've posted on our band Facebook page asking for donations. I would maybe get with your band director and see if you could do something like this or if they have any other ideas. 

    I might do that, especially since my band director marched crown. There might be the issue that I'm a section leader and dci overlaps with band camp and she might not like that😭. I'll definitely ask though.


    Yea its a sad time I like watched but wasn't able to actually like listen to it 

    The colony sounded really good other than the less than ideal audio quality, but during wakelands performance the audio simply wasn't there so idk how their music is going.

  6. On 9/11/2024 at 10:31 AM, jamminsalmon_ said:

    Here’s the football game this past Thursday — The Colony vs. Wakeland 


    Wakeland @ around 1:31:30

    The Colony @ around 1:43:00

    (Audio quality isn’t the best)

    oh no it got privated 😔

  7. I've been really interested in joining Carolina Crown for a while, but I'm a junior in high school so obviously I thought I couldn't join. When I found out that I could still join while in high school I got really excited, then I looked at the price.... I do currently have a job with slow hours due to my own marching season, but I am getting some payment every now and then. I would definitely be willing to pay the audition fee, but I'm not making my parents pay for the actual program because of the thousands of dollars... I may not be looking in the right places but I can't find stuff about how to pay for the corp on either the dci website or the Crown site. I don't know if I'd be able to pay later and just be in debt or what. So with that I have two questions. How does the payment process work? And what would be the best way to be able to pay for it?

  8. 10 hours ago, goga said:

    i went around and watched some of the preview shows for these area b 5a bands and i have to say the one that surprised me the most was lebanon trail - they sound great like usual but it seems like they're finally straying from their typical classical-type show and playing a more intense and aggressive opener. its too early to tell how the competition will play out (especially since i watched lone star and mckinney north too and they also sounded great) but at least for this point in the season LT sounds much more promising than previous years with their current show👍 if i had to make a prediction based solely off what i saw, i would bump lt up a little compared to what other people here tend to predict

    How were you able to watch them?? Are there videos on youtube already?! Because I'd love to see what the other schools are up to!

  9. 18 hours ago, Karma_Savior said:

    Do band directors flag videos of their show from being on YouTube, or do people really not post marching band performances? I’ve been dying to watch Lebanon Trail, but can’t find them anywhere! 

    I don't know how it is for other schools, but for my school we were told not to post our show (people do anyway) because of copyright laws. I know I asked my band director about how cool it would be to have a phantom of the opera show, and she said we couldn't  because of some copyright things. So mu assumption is that bands have the permission to use it in their shiw but not anything else, including social media. Of course that's still a guess.🤷🏻‍♀️

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