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Everything posted by RPBGlazer

  1. Personally, Its a tossup between The Woodlands, Hebron, and Flomo for me, but I’m leaning towards The Woodlands
  2. Its time to go blind, Marcus with the last Lewisville ISD performance and the last finals performance of the night, lets make it a good one!
  3. We’ll see about that (there is no doubt in my mind they will perform well)
  4. While their general effect is perfectly fine, I feel as if the visuals in feel less clean than one of the last few bands, but generally a overall good performance from vandy (although take this with a grain of salt, im not a very good judge of this stuff)
  5. If it makes you happy, anything for you my lord 🙇‍♂️
  6. Vista Ridge: All that needs to be said is that they were amazing to hear and watch, me initial sentiment about McKinney making finals in this forum holds true
  7. I don't know whats more entertaining, people who are presumably adults egging on someone who I assume is an attention seeking teenager, or the absolute top tier marching shows on display…
  8. The Woodlands: I LOVE the guard, its amazing what they can do with that many people, and yet they still manage to keep it clean, and that low brass feature was AMAZING, along with their entire closer. Now I know why they’re so well regarded (although its no surprise for anyone who's watched them in the past)
  9. Hebron had an amazing run, although I might have a “slight” bias since one of my friends attends.
  10. As someone from the RPB (McKinney), Earlier I thought we might have a chance at finals, but after watching the finals up to this point, we absolutely stood no chance 💀
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