I totally agree about the deck being stacked against some great bands to get a bid to go to state. Something has to be done. The same bands take the top 3 state spots EVERY year in nearly all classifications. Not fair. Realignment should be done somehow. I have heard band students say " why should we work our butts off every year when we have no chance at all to ever go to state"! Some really talented bands never get that state experience. Very unfair and sad! I was a drum major in the '60's when the highest level was district and all bands had the opportunity to go and get a 1 that was added to a 1 at concert and sightreading and that gave that band the highest honor of a Sweepstakes. Then UIL decided bands should have the ultimate award of a statewide championship. Turns out to not be a great idea. There has to be someway to allow most band to have the state experience. Im 76 years old and hoping to see my granddaughter ,who is head drum major of her high school band, make it to state. But if bands know, even before they go, that they have no chance of a medal, what's the point. I think the band experience is one if the best programs any student can be a part of. I have been involved with band programs since my junior high days over 60 years ago. My sisters, daughters and now grandchildren have been and are in bands and musical programs including college. I have been involved in every aspect of band from participant, to volunteer to now supporter of grandchildren. I truly love music and band. But in this day and age of band programs, subjectivity instead of objectivity has taken precedence, as has politics. Something has to change. Rant over.