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Everything posted by TRUMPet

  1. what happened to the predictions thing it got up dated to 2008 and i cant find any predictions that were put up for this dci season
  2. I dont know the full story, but i think he went either to houston or four A (but dont quote me on it). And i totaly agree that the color guard was getting alot better, they were looking more like color guard and less like robots with flags. I'm think its unamious at CPHS that he was one of the best CG directors avalible. he will be missed. As For Maldanado he was a tough one to lose. Im glad to get conformation he got the job (he'd already decided to leave to be closer to his family, having a new kid and all his wife was taking on alot and she could use the support) aw now im all sad about it again
  3. yeah that sounds right, i pretty pumped about it since he seems to know way more about marching than or last drill writer (he put us in a full-field block with trumpets on melody on back 20 and DL on other back 20 ugh it was death) but that should be expected since he is a DCI drill writer
  4. Dont know how this hasnt made it up here yet.... but Cp lost our Color Guard and Percussion staff back in may We still have our old tenor/everything tech but everyone else is new from georgetown. the new percussion is Paul Pape (sp?) and he brouth 2(?or one cant recall) techs with him Our new Color Guard director is actually a girl now. only took a couple years (not that the guys were bad...) but its Nhu Q. Trinh who actually plays flute and color guard, she did winter guard with nolan and code black (btw i have no clue who/what thoses are) this will be an interesting year for us hopefully it keeps going as good as it was at the end of the school year
  5. I dont recall the name but its from the vanguard drill writer..... looks a heck of a lot like an SCV show too which is amazing Grogh (from SCV '98) Adagio for strings (from SCV '00) Medea (anyone know what show ths ones from, i havent found it yet)
  6. hey! let me hope.... it helps me not feel bad about having to pick one
  7. or you could do like us a cp and not really care what boa thinks and show up anyways btw our shows going to be amazing this year.... completely riped out of durm corps and the drills writen by the drill writer for the corps the musics coming for (supposedly although im almost certian)
  8. haha i have hope for a complete imposibility.... 5 way tie for first. Ah id die
  9. Yeah i see another 06 finish or closer coming on
  10. dang thats impressive. if what they put on the field in Stanford was after two days.... dang, we can expect alot
  11. lets put it this way... ive played trumpet for 5 years now and i missed a spot in the last cut. if you HAVE to chose from mello/trumpet id still pick barri but mello tends to be eiser to make (at least thats where the trumpets go when their desparit for a spot) but all this still depends on what corps you wanna make.... a top six corps prob wont take a high brass player who hasnt played it a solid 4+ (min.) years but you could get lucky with crossmen (they seemed to have some trouble getting trumpets this year)
  12. ok ty Can anyone explain whats happening to the Mad. Scouts i havent had time to go through everyone yet but their show doesnt seem to be that bad (I know its rough but 13th?).... is everyone else just doin that good
  13. so its the change in their average?
  14. Oh yeah that makes sense i hadnt realized that can any one explaine the change in rank thing is that how many spots they moved, cause some of them dont add up
  15. wow... what were the standings last at? was SCV at second. if so thats awsome hopefully they can pull it back up I also just wanna throw out a we told you so for the entirety of the SCV fan base.... and their new staff. proof that- New Staff does not equal utter destruction as some predicted As a disclaimer im not saying that anyone in this thread claimed that im just kinda pumped that the changes are holding together
  16. haha now im going through videos trying to find a dead colorguard member
  17. i think hes trying to say a colorguard member either got carted off in rehersal or off the field
  18. Well said
  19. Its not so much the movement of the horn in the snap its more the size of the horn (particulary the ammount of shinny metal) in the snap. I think that the three things that make drum corp are: 1) friggin loud chords 2) large ammount of shinny instruments that can keep any kid with add entertained 3) and general uniformity of all the members on the field woodwinds are really only good for the ballads, and Seriously who goes to a dci event in anticipation of the ballad and slow sections
  20. i live for fast sections like that. I just wish i could double tounge better. what piece is it.
  21. i did... turned out to be a lymp node infection
  22. Sorry 'bout the confusion ment to hit enter twice I was talkin to CorpsFan
  23. I want to start off saying i understand the moment of silence had meaning, I just don't like it (kinda old now). mbui, i dont mind them standing still, they just did it for 1-2 min., the entirety of amazing grace... too long for my liking. And as far as the voice thing goes, even if it is in my band i dont have to like it... (and i seem to remember you talking about how much you dislike it too And really all of this is opinion based so...
  24. Hey all, I've enbarked on a quest to learn Arbans Carnival of Venice and im trying to find good exercises to help the process. so far i've started doing the triple tounging, and the scales exercise for endurence, does any one have any other exercies they would reccomend? All help appreciated
  25. You from Churchill? I give no credit to concert arcs. If i had to judge i would have marked a zero for marching in the balad (as well as the first min.) ... seeing as no one moved. And a moment of silence where the gaurd spins in spot. I just dont like it. oh and did i mention i really dont like voice overs...but this is the wrong post for this so ill leave this conversation be.
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