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Sp0ted G0rilla

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  1. the first time i actually heard it I almost cried at the arrival and that was just the version we made through finale, so hopefully will be better than our past ballads
  2. Cedar Park is playing Grogh by Copland Adagio for Strings by Barber Medea by Barber
  3. actually our pit is always WAY farther ahead than out band. usually by early to mid october, our pit has nothing to work on anymore and just kinda runs huge chuncks. But that is primarily because we had and still have a lot of pit members who would rather play a marimba than a snare or tenor. And because of that every year their book got harder and harder until it got harder than the battery's music in some parts.
  4. well you cant go wrong with 1989 SCV " Phantom of the Opera"or 1995 Cavaliers "the Planets" (aka the greatest marching shows on the face of the Earth)
  5. What works real well is wrapping ur middle finger in stick tape
  6. Well I cant say I have heard Round Rocks show but I have had it described to me by someone who has and it is pretty much Round Rock Drumline with acompanyment of Round Rock Band in that all the band does is hold out whole notes after whole notes while the drumline plays like the same triplet rolls over and over again.
  7. our show is completely done
  8. Cedar Parks Drumline is wrecking shop
  9. how quickly everyone forgets about Cedar Park
  10. our show music is so awesome,especially for the drumline, we got some sweet hight 15 beats in the very begining. DRUMLINE ROCKS
  11. we have a camp on the last week of school
  12. I liked their visuals, but their music seemed like it lacked something like a climactic part
  13. One thing that is common in both UIL and BOA is that the later you play the better ou do. In state NO one in the morning block made it to finals, the only morning block performers who did make it was Bell and they were last in that block. this is really systematically wrong, because it seems that a giant portion of your show is based on the luck of a simple draw.
  14. I totally agree with the first part about what BOA abd State is all about, but Two years ago, when L.D. Bell made first and Cedar Park made silver with the planets L.D. Bell was a much less of a BOA show and more State oriented. this year the state judges were favoring more BOA bands than State bands and Bell was one of those huge BOA bands. but I totally agree with you about Marcus.
  15. The only reason that happened is because yes they do play both well, but they played real late in both prelims and finals in state, and late in Prelims and finals in BOA, not to mention that they work on their show for 2 years in a row
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