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  1. Alright, this time I'm calling it, Panther Creek is gonna a win gold (If I keep saying it maybe I'll be right eventually).
  2. At every level judging has the chance to be off. It's subjective (especially with that silly Content and Design caption) and all the judges are human too.
  3. Hey, I'll stand by it, I think panther should've won.
  4. I think Cedar Ridge has a Mello and trumpet going a little past their best sound.
  5. I can see it maybe happening Lone Star won some ordinal points for first against Wakeland. Plus BOA judging also vastly differs from UIL. Especially since there GE is 60% of the points. I'm not making any statements about who's better than who, just providing the other side of the coin.
  6. In no way am I trying to bash them, but I do not understand how Bentonville beat Marcus in music.
  7. Your list looks off. It should be more like this: 1. Rockwall 2. Rockwall 3. Rockwall 4. Rockwall 5. Rockwall 6. Rockwall 7. Rockwall 8. Rockwall 9. Rockwall 10. Rockwall 11. Rockwall 12. Rockwall
  8. I don't think Lone Star needs more movement and drill necessarily, but rather that they just need to execute what they have better.
  9. Calling it now, Panther Creek is going to be the 4A state marching champion.
  10. If you don't mind me asking, what is the point of telling some to keep their opinions to themselves on a band forum page meant to discuss opinions?
  11. Tubalord proving once again why he is the greatest
  12. Has anyone seen anything of the non-Texas schools? I'm curious to see how our out of state friends are doing.
  13. LS- Sounds amazing. They might even sound better than Wakeland this year. Their brass are killing it this year. Needs some visual cleaning though. LT- Sounds pretty good this year with a pretty interesting show. Needs a lot of visual cleaning as well, and they definitely could play louder. Indy- I didn't get to see them Heritage- They have a fun show, and I really like the train. But to be honest, I don't remember much of their show. Memorial- I really enjoyed their show. They pretty good for this early in the season. I know these others won't be at Melissa but: Wakeland- It's Wakeland. Hard drill that's pretty clean, clean music that's decently loud but kinda easy. Look good sound good. Panther- Look pretty good visually. One of the harder 4A shows I've seen. Needs some work playing wise, but they are probably gonna win state this year. Emerson- I love their show. So quirky and fun. Love the props and interaction with props. Super duper cool this year.
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