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  1. We know it's not a katyisd one and we don't think any cyfair schools maybe like Bellaire or waltrip idk
  2. According to my director a band has dropped out of area for marching an ineligible student making it only 4 that go to state and I think 8 in finals
  3. yeah that's always the toughest thing is when the underclassmen don't want to put in effort to be great, for me its my senior year and I'd like for our band to be good and all upperclassmen give their all. but some don't see it that way but its more of a thing for the underclassmen to be accountable for themselves at first it was rough but after lots of times upperclassmen talking to freshmen to take everything seriously. we got it through their heads . do you think they will able to lock in for Saturday?
  4. I wish you the best of luck man I'm a Katy hs 1st trumpet and good luck with that solo you have any predictions where y'all might place ?
  5. also @Hags CSHS TPT Are you preforming on Saturday ?
  6. I agree berry was a little weird with judging but so was Katy marching fest that was some of the worst judging I've seen in awhile. even if it was a bad run I don't think Katy needed to be that low I'm confident that Katy will make finals tho and will mess with a lot of y'all's predictions.
  7. Katy also beat Taylor by getting 3rd in music after only a week of cleaning
  8. 1. Bridgeland 2.Jordan 3.cy-fair 4. cy-woods 5.katy 6 7L 7Jet 8.cinco 9.tompkins 10. Langham I know this will be a EXTREMELY hot take but hear me out. I know cincos show is great this year and they can PLAY but visually and technique wise they aren't as strong as others, Jet is strong all around but I feel some other bands will make a huge push in improvement and over take them now I'm assuming the biggest thing yall see is katy beating 7L now I personally haven't seen their improvement from katy marching festival but I belive they might stumble behind like last year at area and give other bands like katy or Taylor the opportunity to over take them. Now I know alot of you guys feel like katy will probably get 10 or around there but tbh they have made MASSIVE strides in visual and musical scores compared to katy marching fest so I think we might have a simular situation that happened in 2022 area at berry.
  9. I'm in one of the bands lol that's how I got the info
  10. How do ya'll feel about the battle at the berry results?
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