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  1. We need to go back in time to the first Covid to make UIL stay the same way it always was. THATS RIGHT, We need to go back in time to the first Covid to make UIL stay the same way it ALWAYS was.
  2. Grand Nationals time! Good luck to all the bands going to Grand Nats! There are not many Texas Bands this time so there are new opportunities for new bands to slip in! Let us see how this contest goes!
  3. What a crazy, crazy, crazy contest... and year. Congrats to all the bands who made and preformed the State Marching Contest, not just finals. If I could pick finals bands then I would want everyone to have the chance to preform one more time, because 14 is not enough. While we did see mishaps in scores and honestly some of the biggest robberies of years to come, we have to remember: We are all winners in life. CONGRATS TO ALL!
  4. WHAT A LONG DAY YALL!!! Congrats to the Cedar Ridge band for making it back into finals and the Seven Lakes band for FINALLY getting to the State Finals! This day was filled with many exciting bands from 40 of the best. I congratulate every band here for giving their best show! Although, with this, I have some things to say, and I may get a little negative here. For some of the bands that placed in 20th or below, I am so sorry for what scores you had to go through. Some of the scores down there do not make any sense at all. It seems some the bands who also went in the first block got hit with the worst of these scores. Even then, a lot of these bands got hit with what felt like random numbers to place them on a leaderboard. And I just feel so sad for these kids who worked so hard and probably had some of their best runs just for them to be placed somewhere they did not expect I would like to list some bands that I thought were hit with the worst judging: 1. Woods in 29th?! I did not have this on my bucket list but I am sure one person made a lot of money if they bet this would happen. While I do note that UIL differs from BOA judging, they still do not add up with this. I just feel like something happened and I really want to know what the judges saw for this since I did not see this show as a 29th-place show. Especially after rewatching all shows at midnight. (Do not worry I got sleep) 2. John B Alexander IN LAST?!?!? Like I said previously, that show hit me like a truck! The amount of emotions I was feeling during that show, and the storytelling they had. I am glad their content and design were a bit higher than the other scores but this show was nowhere NEAR last place. 3. Dawson I felt got really hosed as well. Those kids looked and sounded spectacular, especially sounded! But the judges gave them lower music scores for what they had. I really thought these kids would be higher but I guess not... 4. Duncanville placement shocked me. I did not expect that, that's all. 5. Pebble Hills had such extreme difficulty in their music and I was hoping that would reward them in the end, but some aspects did not give them the rewards. It sucks, this band was one of my favorites of the night. OTHER MENTIONS: Dripping Springs Waxahachie Sachse CTJ For the kids who did not make finals this year, know this. It may now be the end of your first or last marching season, but do not let these scores bring you down in any way. Do not let your whole marching season be remembered by bad scores of any kind. It is not about the scores, it's about having fun with your band and other bands along with you. Just making it to the State Finals is amazing enough! You guys made so many new memories with friends and other bands, and you got to perform here, in the dome. Make lifelong memories that you will never forget. That's it for me! I may comment for Grand Nats, but other than that, see yall next year! Love you all! ❤️
  5. jesus. That John B Alexander show hit me like a truck. Great show!
  6. It also seems Cypress Woods is becoming more consistent, that being this is their 3rd year in a row being 3rd out of finals. It seems they are starting to find their ground and identity as the years go on! It would be nice to see them in finals for the first time, they have had so many caliber shows and we may see it this year at SBMC or next year! Who knows, everybody would love to see a Cat in finals! James Bowie is consistent as ever! It does suck that they suffered a penalty that kicked them down from the 16th to 19th tie, but they still let the people on the field know who they are tonight and the fact they are still here! I hope to see them back in finals soon! They have been dancing on the "almost" line for far long enough! The two wolves inside them will keep fighting! Waxahachie seemed to have also missed finals being originally 20th before James Bowie tied them to 19th. Their show was very entertaining and also clean, but I felt like it was missing something from those previous 2 years. Nevertheless, the fact the Waxahachie band still did a show that resembled a old time period, and I always love those shows! Hopefully, they keep their "Factory" running in the years coming! (Sorry for some of the show puns, I could not help myself)
  7. This is crazy, but after seeing this year... WE NEED 16 FINALISTS!!!!
  8. Gap between Finals and 20th: 1.7 Points let that sink in yall
  9. Well yall. BOA San Antonio was ONE heck of a ride! But its time to prepare for the 6A UIL MARCHING BAND CONTEST! A lot of bands from. BOA San Antonio Finals are not here, but there are still new bands ready to take this on!! Let us see how this goes!
  10. Last 5 Out: 14-15th: 88.950 (CUTOFF) ------------------------------- 16th. Leander: 88.300 17th. Keller - 87.900 18th. Cypress Woods - 87.650 19th. James Bowie - 87.250 19th. Waxahachie - 87.250
  11. 1. Cy Woods 2. Bridgeland 3. Cy Fair 4. Seven Lakes 5. Cinco Ranch 6. James E Taylor 7. Jordan 8. Tompkins 9. Langham Creek 10. Katy 11. Cy Ranch 12. Jersey Village 13. Paetow 14. Cy Springs 15. Morton ranch 16. Waller 17. Mayde Creek 18. Cy Ridge 19. Cy Park 20. Cy Falls 21. Cy Creek 22. Elsik 23. Heights 24. Memorial
  12. It really does suck when stuff like this happens. Like, really REALLY REALLY *breathes in* REAAAAALLLLYYY Sucks... But things like this will happen. And its sad because now we lose another band that would surely be qualified for State Finals out of the rankings. It makes the Area contest that much more stressful since now you have to be in the top 4, and at this contest the 4th spot IS THE SPOT that I can see 4 bands in (Jordan, Seven Lakes, JET, and Cinco Ranch ((or Woods again since lately they have had the Crown Curse of 4th place at Area Finals, probably not this is just a funny joke)) )
  13. That is something I have noticed about woods. I have seen it happen with their early scores at each contest, though they have relatively stayed consistent when it comes to late season.
  14. Honestly its best to wait for later in the season when we have seen most of the bands at region or contests to make predictions. It doesnt hurt to try now but we still have not seen Tompkins, CyWoods, Cy Ranch or others.
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