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Everything posted by Wannabebluecoat

  1. But everybody in this forum predicted them fourth which is where they placed?
  2. 1. Coppel 2. keller 3.timber creek 4.SLC 5.Keller centeal 6. ld bell 7.lake ridge 8. Trinity 9.haltom 10.boswell
  3. Saw a post on area C where they are reschulded until tuesday. Yall think this will apply here as well?
  4. thx for explaining i get the itty bitties of it now. i still dont see how some bands can have some pretty techincal books and get high in achievement but then bad in content even with having technical books though
  5. wait so if a band was jus completely dirty but the judges could tell they had sum hard stuff they would score better in content? i donttttt know if i like this format 😂😂
  6. so the content would be the characteristics and the achievements would be the missed notes and what not?
  7. then how does a band do terrible in content but then good in achievement?
  8. so would content be kinda like ge? cuz i dont understand how a band can get like 6 on achievement but then 12 on content cuz high achievement has to equal good content.
  9. yea im confused on practically everything about this scoring lol
  10. can someone elaborate on the CON and ACV meanings? Rockwall beat hebron in brass ACV but im not entirely sure what acv entails.
  11. Always have liked lake ridge shows, glad your opinion of them has changed. HOLY BENTONVILLE VISUAL TOP TIER!!!!
  12. Also for James Martin beating birdvile and them. The thing with that is lake ridge has beat birdville and fossil ridge and James Martin for the last four or 5 years. It’s difficult to compare scores at places and stuff because scores may be inflated, so I may see where you’re getting mixed up and things like that. I also see ur point on how your ranking is about being likely and everything like that, I just believe it’s more likely for lake ridge to get ahead of these said bands. Sorry if I came across as rude.☹️
  13. Now if ur saying this musically, I would say ur mistaken. Visual maybe, but that is the easiest to improve. Their music is probably the best it’s ever been(besides 2013). Taking music award from multiple state marching bands(Berkner)(colleyville). I’ve seen every band on this list, and can comfortably say lake ridge is better than most. My opinion may change come boa prosper, but as of now they are scoring better then they did with their show from 2022. Once again all opinion and I look forward to seeing if I’m wrong or right.
  14. Don Hanna memorial is a significantly easier comp than any comp lake ridge has been to so far. Lake ridge always beats Martin and Mansfield and Mansfield is the usual reigning champ at don hanna, so don’t see how that competition could judge pretty much anything. Also last year for lake ridge was debatably the worst show lake ridge has had for a while, if you haven’t watched their most recent videos I would recommend doing so. They scored first in brass at Wylie from a judge and took music award from colleyville and Berkner at poc.
  15. Lake ridge at twelfth is kind of crazy with four bands that have never beat them ahead of them.
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