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  1. Tyler Legacy and Longview received ones, as anticipated. My takeaways from Tyler Legacy’s performance tonight: -Significantly more power musically. Completely different sound from years past. Sounds significantly better than years past too. -Low brass needs to work on their timbre and articulation, there are a few moments that don’t sound appealing. -Mello’s need to improve their intonation and not losing power in the beginning hit. -The ballads spacing needs to be cleaned up visually from left to right. -Ballad isn’t bad musically, but could be cleaned up in terms of balance and confidence in the soloist. -The color guard is the best it’s been for Tyler Legacy, I think ever, though they still need to clean up the end of the show. -The third movement is really good visually, a little dirty musically. I have more thoughts, but I think this is the best TL has looked in a while. It’s nowhere near perfect but all of the things I noticed (and everything the judges noticed as well) will definitely be cleaned up by area. If they have a really good day at area, I think they can compete for a finals spot.
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