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About ddmwingz

  • Birthday 03/17/1990

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  1. haha...ur right, i DID downplay the community/finance part aspect of it. and u hit the part i didnt mention(it mustve slipped my mind o_O). design vs. GE. i agree almost completely w/ u on that.
  2. In my humble opinion, the GE caption IS fair. First and foremost, in my opinion, art is about entertaining its audience as well as conveying a deeper meaning and an aesthetic beauty. Music, im sure many of us would agree, is one of the best artforms(lol, we are band kids after all). So through this thought process, is it not fair that the schools who perform shows that can make the audience sit on the edge of their seat, give them goosebumps, and go OOOOHHHHH AAHHHHHHH, should be rewarded? Something that can stir emotions like that - thats art - and it deserves to be rewarded. Now, even if u agree with the above paragraph, u may be saying, "thats all well and good, but this GE was created by a drill writer/composer/etc. kids dont effect this. thats why its not fair." my response to that has many facets. first, each school gets to choose who writes their drill and music. they could always find someone who is just as talented as the schools who consistently put on good shows. also, money is often considered a barrier, but every school that has the money to pay for the best drillwriters, had to put in a lot of hardwork to raise the money to pay for it, so ppl shouldnt claim money made these shows more possible for one school than another(in real life it does, i know, but it is an issue that can be overcome). another reason is that, even if u have the best show concept, and the most spectacular drill, and the most dazzling music, if the kids do not execute it, the GE will not be there. therefore, i believe the kids DO effect GE. LD BELL and Marcus. they almost always put on the most entertaining shows with some of the best GE around. why is that? because their students execute the drill and music better than nearly every other school in the nation, not because they had the coolest concept, or the best drill. if u were to take my band, and try to pull off the same show, we wouldnt execute half as well, and our GE scores would be really really bad(and we are a 4a state caliber band) like i said, this is all in my opinion, and i am by no means right about this. its just what i feel. hope it made sense P.S. while on the topic of GE, whichever band did Two Hearts Beat as One for their show this year-yall gave me goose bumps at the part where u had the two hearts beating. it was great!!
  3. I echo everything in Xenon's post. Xenon really hit it on the head. The only thing I would like to add (and it may be some of the same, just said differently, which can help sometimes) is this: You say band has become a job for you, yet you also claim that you really love the band. Anything in life that you love is worth fighting for - and that sounds like the position you are in right now - fighting to keep the band you love so much at the highest level it can be. I don't want to say "quit band" or "stay in", thats definitely only a decision you can make, but you should definitely ask yourself, "Is this worth fighting for? Do I love this band that much?". If you can answer those questions, as well as the ones, that Xenon posed, you will know what to do Also, I might add that if you stay in band, if it still isn't going well next year, maybe try lightening up and not taking it so seriously(May be advice that doesnt apply) I wish you the best of luck with your situation.
  4. I'll be up in Bloomington, Indiana attending IU
  5. i really miss marching season and im a senior this year. im gonna miss HS marching band. hopefully college marching band will be at least as fun
  6. haha...whoa, my bad with the 65 thing. i should read my posts before i put them up o_O
  7. Trumpet 65 (-) Horns 184 (+)
  8. Trumpets 83 (-) Horns 106 (+)
  9. Trumpets 90 Horns 90 (+) Piano 10 (-)
  10. Bassoons 8 (-) Trumpets 82 Horns 81 (+) Piano 19
  11. Bassoons 31 (-) Trumpets 68 Horns 71 (+) Piano 19
  12. AHHHHHH!!!!!!!! we lost!!! oh well. we all know what the best instrumet is
  13. yea. i agree. it is definitely a movie worth seeing. the directing of the movie was superb. wasnt necessarily the best movie, but it was so different from ur normal movie and so well done that it is definitely worth seeing
  14. High Clarinets 13 Low Clarinets 10 Bassoons 13 Trumpets 11 Horns 18 Euphonium 11 Trombones 16(+) Mallet Percussion 13 Drums 16 Auxiliary Percussion 8 Piano 29 Violin 11 Viola 2 (-) Cello 9 Bass 9
  15. more like we played rock band till 11:59:40, watched the ball drop, and then played rock band until 3am
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