lol idk,,its from 05 national retrat block,,i thought it was cool,,soo i saved it,,i cant remember exactly where i got it though,,lol sorry,,
its my favorite pic i have from 05
ok so this year i think that there are like 7 bands from texas going to nationals,,
personally i think that 5-6 can make finals....
half the bands would be from texas ,, yay,,
so i was just wonderring wat bands you think will make finals,,
(in no particcular order)to early for that
lol i remembered my school getting ready to perform exhibition at (birdville)n it was rainy like crazy
we were tryin to have a confidence boosting show,,but all the rain made but like 5 people go indoors,soo we got no crowd reaction,,it felt weird...
soo hopefully it will b sunny this year
well,after much though,,.. i think i have decided that,i like things as they are..
Texas gets 3 regionals AND a super regional,
indy can have nats,and their regional,,
dood luck to texas bands who go to nats..
i think it would be really sweet,if BOA decided to alternate cities that host nats...
there is going to be a brand new Cowboys stadium,and i think it should be there....
there are bands that could make nat. finals but they dont get to go,so i say we give everyone a fair chance to be "finalists" instead of the same 500 bands that arent in TX that go like every year.