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Everything posted by andrhs

  1. lol last year,, we made a freshman eat like 45982592958 hott wings,,no water,or dressing,, his face turned red..lol
  2. hey dude.. i saw you at the arlington regional... i took a pic of you when we got in the stands,,, its very sexy lol jk jk
  3. hmm..posts..a lot .. lol i like saying rowlett me n gavinrh always randomly shout rowlett...lol i guess u have to be there...
  4. the video starts when we are playing turbine.. our second piece..... halo is our preshow ...i think
  5. can i change ,y prediction??? i had the woodlands winning......
  6. i have 5!!! do i get my 100 dollars now???lol lo jk'jk
  7. i really liked plano east last year,,,
  8. lol fine,,ill take it off... i love texas bands
  9. lol idk,,its from 05 national retrat block,,i thought it was cool,,soo i saved it,,i cant remember exactly where i got it though,,lol sorry,, its my favorite pic i have from 05
  10. ok so this year i think that there are like 7 bands from texas going to nationals,, personally i think that 5-6 can make finals.... half the bands would be from texas ,, yay,, so i was just wonderring wat bands you think will make finals,, (in no particcular order)to early for that
  11. lol i remembered my school getting ready to perform exhibition at (birdville)n it was rainy like crazy we were tryin to have a confidence boosting show,,but all the rain made but like 5 people go indoors,soo we got no crowd reaction,,it felt weird... soo hopefully it will b sunny this year
  12. lol thats why i picked them to win at nationals... lol
  13. well,after much though,,.. i think i have decided that,i like things as they are.. Texas gets 3 regionals AND a super regional, indy can have nats,and their regional,, so dood luck to texas bands who go to nats..
  14. ahhh,,,yes The BOA Super Mega Acoustics Dome.... that would be so badass seats 300,000
  15. i think it would be really sweet,if BOA decided to alternate cities that host nats... there is going to be a brand new Cowboys stadium,and i think it should be there.... there are bands that could make nat. finals but they dont get to go,so i say we give everyone a fair chance to be "finalists" instead of the same 500 bands that arent in TX that go like every year.
  16. ohh i wish i could go to this,i am from el paso, and i want to see the high school bands i could have been in...,,but i think arlington is the same day, so maybe next year....
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