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Everything posted by SerialSleeper90

  1. we played rock band till like 2:30. woo! lol.
  2. In the great words of Biz Markie - "OH SNAP!"
  3. Simpsons DVD 4 Threadless T-Shirts A Huge (XXL) Coat A Tie A belt and... A NOSE/EAR HAIR TRIMMER!!! YAY!!! except I don't have much hair there...
  4. With their powers combined they form... CAPTAIN PLANET!!!
  5. That's awesome. I love electric strings. I've seen people do so many diffirent things with them.
  6. THis isn't necassarily to get rid of pre-performance nerves, but it helps. When you are playing and you mess up, just completely forget that you messed up and keep going. Also you could always eat a banana.
  7. We have an electric string quartet?
  8. Hahaha I was gonna mention the woodlands but I thought I'd leave it to this year. I know they were the original band to use Imogen... i think?
  9. lol. Imogen Heap is a singer. I think she's also known as Frou Frou (correct me if I'm wrong). Bands that I know of that had Imogen Heap in their show: Lewisville Mansfield Mansfield Timberview (I think) and one more...but I can't recall.
  10. O sorry I play clarinet. I guess I just felt like saying 'netters'.
  11. I hate #37. I will be covering my ears for the entire auditioning of etude #37 so I can take it as slowww as I want. lol. On an opposite note, the other technical etude just seems to come so naturally to me. Do any of you other netters get that feeling for the other technical etude?
  12. Haha I went to a Lewisville elementary school that would have fed into LHS. After 7 years I actually recognized one of their snares and he remembered me. It was heart warming. lol. They sure did crank dat this year. I really liked their imogen part as well. Heck I loved every band that incorporated Imogen into their show.
  13. Haha we use to have 3rd quarter off every game. We don't anymore and I notice a lot of other bands stopped around the same time we stopped.
  14. I deal with it. Do I have to continue this thing? Um... uh... will be going to UNT? no Michigan? I dunno.
  15. You are correct sir. You know I've been wondering what bell is gonna do now the trilogy is over. I just can't see them doing something that's not so haunting. lol It be funny if they decided to do a Marcus type of show.
  16. Is in my english class. Lol I ate mcdonalds after most of the football games and competitions.
  17. DId you make a band yet? If so whats the name and what style? lol.
  18. I completely understand. It frustrates me. I also wish we(top ensemble) were given a choice to participate. I just dont have that ambition to prove I'm better or whatever. That frustrates me, too. Etude #37... that frustrates me as well. This whole process is frustrating to me.
  19. wow... all those bands clustered in one area. It must be the water.
  20. Hahah I've seen it before. My only question is why is he yellow...
  21. Yea the mandrake thing. I dunno why, but it seriously creeped me out. It creeped me out for than that eyes-in-palm-of-hand monster.
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