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Everything posted by awheaven

  1. i thought Cypress Falls should have made finals :[ such an amazing show.
  2. I really wanna see TRANSCENDents anyone know where i can see it?
  3. *questions....! -Can you video tape or audio record?? or is like BOA? -How much is admission if theres any? -Are you all excited? *please answer my quetions....i'm kinda curious...i'll most likely have more q's to come =]
  4. september 28!! Cypress FAlls baby! against Cypress Creek!
  5. Cypress Falls =] we just need our last movement out there....anyone?
  6. aww our to at Cypress Falls vs. Bryan..... for the most part Bryan did good... but as we stood at our opening set...our props were still being set up then we performed our perccusion tore off abit but we got back on track..it was cool.go cyfalls!
  7. got it!! "Gloriosa" some japenese themed show.
  8. what is their "boa show" anyway??
  9. Langham Creek [houston] going to BOA Houston....last i heard from that school is that they don't do BOA....anyone? oh....and they're also going to super regionals in San Antonio.
  10. why is it that when i wanna see the media it asks for a password and i type it in but nothing happens?? is it my login password??
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