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Everything posted by erillanos

  1. um yea... this is the correct order 1.Hendrickson 2.Connally 3.Vista Ridge 4.Dripping Springs
  2. ok lets post part of a lyric of a song then the next person says what song it is then they post a new lyric its simple and fun ok i will go first New, what do you own the world? How do you own disorder, disorder, Now, somewhere between the sacred silence, Sacred silence and sleep, Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep, Disorder, disorder, disorder. ok if you know the song post the name then you post another lyric
  3. Its Dangerous Business Walking Out your front door its by Underoath
  4. 5. Your computer
  5. 3. A trumpet
  6. Hey TRtrumpet you where supose to start a new topic thing its ok i will start one 10 things you should throw 1. A small child
  7. 8. Steal everyones music
  8. Ok so this could be fun post until we get 10 then the tenth person starts a new topic 10 Things you shouldn't do at band 1. Throw your instrument
  9. i have seen some one be murdered it happend two years ago and i did not belive you when you where telling this fake story because of the bus part i was wait y is he/she riding a bus in summer
  10. Ok i will Start I like band because
  11. Hendrickson High School Show is called Two Hearts Beat As One
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