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  1. you've just said everything that i wish i could have put into the correct words. i am jealous of your.... wordyness?
  2. i love live feeds!
  3. anyone want to work for me so i can go? lol.... i wish
  4. i want to see the score break downs so bad
  5. i dont know many indy bands but ive heard that they have a good handful that good give any good tx band a run for their money. okla bands -- theres only like 2 or 3 that can hang in there with our bands like marcus and bell. isnt there also a few great cali bands tho? are any of them going to be attending gn?
  6. i know this is a very stacked areabut what ever happened to reagon? they kind of fell a little in the past few years. they used to be at the top of everything right up there by bell? dont get me wrong im not saying they are bad by any means just not what they used to be
  7. what is bell's show like this year?
  8. its always interesting to see how bands with similar talent line up againts eachother
  9. i heard trinity did it bc one of thier judges tapes got messed up and thier new director demanded they go again to get judge feed back
  10. ha haha get it. with the elements captain planet. ha ha. omg sorry that was funny to me
  11. i dont remember exactly and but it must have been close
  12. from where your pictures were taken... you had to have been like 5 seats down from me
  13. i think maybe the bell gaurd was already irritated before the top two bands were announced. from what i saw during retreat the marcus gaurd seemed to irritate them every time they moved around. i was sitting right in front of them. it could feel the tension coming off of the field. if marcus and bell both went to gn in the same year i think i would have to pull money out of my savings to go. that would be a very intense showing. especially if they had been up against eachother in the other compititions that year like they have been doing for the past few years. that would be a really long car ride and a lot of gas i would be willing to pay for.
  14. more outgoing than regular people. On rainy days they like too....
  15. i had an extremely amazing weekend EVERY band did reall really well. it was really cool getting to see all of the bands. i must say, coming into this weekend it did expect marcus to win but not by so much. but after seeing the shows in finals back to back i can see why they did. but i really did expect it to be with in a point. besides that the only thing that surprised me the most was that coppell wasnt in finals. i didnt get to see their prelims show but did they just fall apart or something? what happened with them?
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