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  1. Before the horse completely bleeds out, go here and read this: http://www.txbands.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3922
  2. I took some time the last few days reading the majority of posts on these and music for all boards in regard to both BOA SA and UIL State (5A). I also had the amazing opportunity to hear a director address his students the night of UIL State (5A) and his words, insightful, honest and inspiring are worth hearing. I also attended both contests and have some observations. It pains me to see students and parents come here or any other forum and trash talk about what they deem as unfair adjudication and then they proceed to say how their particular band was ripped off or what ever term they care to use. Now without getting personal, I can assure you there are plenty of programs that have that ability to feel that way and of course there have been many questionable scores given in the history of everything from UIL to BOA to what ever contest you want to talk about. But as parents, what we have to respect and what we have to teach our children to respect, is the process. As parents, it is our job to support our children in these programs. It is not our job to judge, complain or bicker about what is wrong with the world known as marching band. By standing behind our kids and the programs these kids are in, we are indirectly agreeing to support the outcome, no matter what that may be. Do we want our kids to be part of a winning program? Well, of course, but I think the issue here is what constitutes a winning program? Is it the trophy case? How many all-state students a program has? What is it? For me a winning program produces kids that have the potential for great leadership, learn the value of persistence, understand that life is never black and white and understand that the goal here, is music education. It is hurtful as a parent to be in the stands and know that your kid and their program has worked so hard to overcome adversity and changes and yet those are things that are not judged. I truly believe that 90% of the time, if a director is doing his or her job, the majority of disappointment when a band does not make finals, or does not get a medal or the place they feel they should have gotten, is within the parents, not the students. Parents do not have the luxury of hearing everyday what the goal of the program is (and of course every program is different) and what constitutes success. As I stood and watched the director I mentioned in paragraph one, address his students, I was taken back by the pride this one individual had for the 200 in front of him. They knew he was proud. The only pieces of disappointment in the room where in the hearts of the parents. (more on that later) He asked them if they were proud of what they displayed at State today, and every student raised their hand. He held up the judges sheets and said "this" is something that we do not control. That you never know if you are going to get 5 old men or if it will be handful of progressive types. That the numbers are just that, numbers. They do not define a program. These kids were happy. The outcome may not have been what they were dreaming for, but they knew that had knocked it out of the dome, it is just that the judges didn't seem to catch it. And it was, what it was. No regrets. Now, parents have been reading in parenting magazines since the early 90's that you have to raise a winning kid, and anything else is just....well....not acceptable. You have to get a tutor, go to gymboree, make your kid an NFL hopeful or the next Olympian. The headlines say if you don't raise a winner then you are a bad parent. But here is the problem. What defines winner? No one ever tells you that part. You ASSUME that means you have to be number 1. Because being number 1 is definable. But is it better to be number X (anything other #1) knowing your program is climbing the ladder? Is that a win? Is winning a better score than last year? Are you a loser if the score is worse? The problem with the majority of forum crying is the parents. Because they have drilled into kids that number one is the only number to desire. Thank goodness for directors that have their heads on straight (and I am sure there are some that don't, but that is another thread) I have never been so proud to be apart of program than I was Tuesday night. Where we number one?...no. Did we make finals?....no. Did we have a group of kids with so much heart and love for music that their individual pride could split you wide open...YES! Now that is winning.
  3. I understand where you are going from an emotional stand point, but the fact is the rule is written that way because someone at UIL wanted it that way. The relevance of what you or I would want, is, well.....irrelevant. What is relevant is that the schools participating understand that the rule is the rule so that there are no surprises when and if the situation arises.
  4. Two clarifications. I have NOT been able to verify this information today. Goodness knows I have tried. I have not gotten any denials which is a bit odd, but certainly no confirmations. RCB...I am not saying that at all. This is JMO, but if I was a director who was a bubble band and my kids were on the losing end of the weather stick, I might be pushing for another opportunity. Just sayin. On another note. In no way am I or was I trying to start a TXbands riot. I was told a really weird piece of information and was trying to see if anyone else had heard such weirdness.
  5. The information came from a vendor that was requested to back their starting time up two hours because of the addition of 8 bands that would be marching because of what I posted before. I was looking for more details or confirmation of this information.
  6. Has anyone heard about this? I have been told the contest will start two hours earlier so 8 bands who did not get to march in their respective finals because of weather will be coming to the State contest. Is this for exhibition or are these an additional 8? If they are competing will that change the number of bands advancing to finals? Does anyone know who these 8 are?
  7. It seems in finals the music judges were in basic agreement but it was the marching judges that didn't seem to agree. Bowie 1-1-1 (Music) 4-1 ( Marching) Reagan 2-2-2 (Music) 5-8 (Marching) Westllake 5-10 (Marching??) Who knows what was going on. Three places I can deal with...but 5?
  8. Hi everyone, Is anyone doing live reviews of the Area contests? I am sure most of us would like to be at all of them...but of course that won't happen so I was wondering!!
  9. With Reagan placing 6th in the State during concert season, once their show is 1-finished and 2-musically and visually cleaned, I certainly would not count them out for finals (not everyone is) and as for me, It would not shock me at all to see them top 3.
  10. Not the SFA from Sugarland
  11. I know NOTHING about any of the south texas (ie, valley) bands, so can anyone give feedback on the bands playing and who they project for finals? Anyone have a guess who will advance to state?
  12. Out of the 34 bands playing, 13 are from San Antonio and 2 others, New Braunfels and San Marcos are closer to SA than Austin. Round Rock is about 20-30 minutes north of Austin and geographically the majority of bands are from SA. I am not crazy enough to look at each and every school individually to see if total miles traveled by all bands are greater to SA or Austin, but I would guess total miles traveled over all area D bands would be less to SA (Heros) than to RR. (This is when somebody out there can mapquest each band to each stadium and see what stadium would generate less total miles....lol)
  13. Promo Clip from Reagan http://www.reaganband.com/Promo1.mpg
  14. Parking...I believe $10.00 Cameras...Still Only...no video or audio Tickets...both pre-order and at the door....??FREE?? I WISH! $40ish for both days.... go to www.musicforall.org
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