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Everything posted by Aka-Attack

  1. lol I totally remember that!!! When I saw that, all I could think was, "You've got to be kidding me!" But I'm sure it was all in good nature.
  2. I would absolutely love to see some new GN faces next year. Marcus is definently one that comes to mind as an instant success and Cedar Park seems like one that would do relatively well. Looks like we are just going to have to wait a year!
  3. All I have to say is congratulations to Carmel High School on a completely DESERVING win of the Music caption. And CONGRATULATIONS to L.D. Bell on recieving 2nd place at Grand Nationals to round out a very succussful season. I absolutely LOVED the show.
  4. Hebron, gosh, I love the psycho. I see them getting top 7 this year at San Antonio! Best of luck to everyone!
  5. Which was which?! Because Marcus's birds had sharp beaks but acted very nice and cute! I didn't see Owasso but saw their costumes.
  6. hmmm..........Bloodbath anyone?
  7. I find it cool that it will be like a battle of state champions, Poteet (4A) and Marcus (5A). We'll see how things shake out when the results are posted!
  8. I have a cousin in the Marcus band and they start band camp tomorrow, nothin' but three-a-days until 9 at night!!! Their show is tight...
  9. It won't be the same without the Woodlands in San Antonio
  10. Sonata for Oboe and Piano by Paul Hindemith
  11. ok, I understand. That is logical and true. Thank you for clearing this up for me Daniel!!! Much appreciated!
  12. Wait, so let me get this straight. L.D. Bell's Grand National Winning score (96.1) is lower than Marcus's Super-Regional Score (96.2). 2 Questions How? Why? This comment is in no way meant to degrade any organizations. It is out of just one person's curiosity. I give the greatest Congratulations to the L.D. Bell band in bringing the Eagle back to Texas!!!!!
  13. Winston Churchill stole my heart and my tear ducts and ripped them open. I loved it. I sang along to the closer of Cedar Park's show. It makes me smile!!!!! :-D hmmm......Also, I liked Whitesboro. I think they were "overlooked" b/c they performed after Marcus in Pre-lims but I liked Canon and the guitar player can Play!!! I also like Lewisville H.S. and once again another version of soulja boi. !Interesting Tidbit! Hebron, Lewisville, The Colony, and Marcus are all in the same School District. Just thought that was interesting!
  14. Shostakovich's "The Gadfly" I think it was movement 3 or something but it is the festival one. In short, LOTS of double tounging and woodwind runs. It was their closer "Awesome Blossoms" teehee I loved the cymbal matrix move on the last note. Tight!
  15. aw. oh wellizers! P.s.-Did Marcus's buses spontaneously combust again on the highway this year?
  16. I have to agree. Marcus, I think, would size up very well at Grand Nationals. However, their Wind Symphony(top band) is going to the presitgious Midwest Clinic and Concert. I cannot wait to hear them there!
  17. Danny boy!!! Great review. Just out of curiosity, did you get one of the ladybug-flashy-things from the Marcus parents. They gave me one (After I asked for one). It is so cool!!!!
  18. Please, for the artistry and beauty of marching band: STOP ARGUEING PUBLICALLY! Please take your harsh comments to eachother to a private message. On a completely different note. Winston Churchill, I cried, and cried, and then cried some more. Graham is lookin' and listenin' down on y'all proud. It was beautiful. Marcus, Wasn't your second movement the Holberg Suite, and if so that is a piece for strings. Nice. I wish the ladybug hit a field judge again, it was hysterical during Pre-lims. Part 5 gripped my loins and made my crack my voice. Nice. Bell It was awesome.
  19. Steeldrum, my friend, you will do great things in life. lol I have to agree that seems to be a general idea, with some variations maybe, of the results might turn out to be.
  20. So how 'bout them Cowboys? lol. I think The Colony is in the running for the top 3 personally and Azle could take it home. But then again, I have hardly seen any of the 4A/2A/1A shows.
  21. ONLY 2 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't take the wait for much longer!!!
  22. Battle of the Music Captions!!! (Marcus vs. Brazoswood) Block 2 Day 2 will be good. Who do you think will come out on top in music?
  23. I wish they mentioned why a band gets a penalty on the recap sheets.
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