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  1. I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm going to leave now. I feel terrible.
  2. Sorry. I was frustrated. The same thing happened to us at WGI contests during the Spring. Judges. People don't like Churchill (probably because of people like me). And I am sorry for Connally who deserved to make state. Everyone knows you should have, though. When they announced the placement orders, we thought it was a random order. Later we found out it wasn't. But I don't think we will redeem ourselves at state. I would trade this opportunity with Connally. We don't have a chance with all this biased ****. And don't think my opinion represents churchill as a whole. I'm an individual dick.
  3. Anyone notice how SFA's closer this year is the same exact song and arrangement as Churchill's opener from last year?
  4. Ok, they most likely will never achieve "MONSTER" band status. But I saw both Reagan and Johnson tonight at the NEISD Marching Festival, and Johnson undoubtedly excelled Reagan in all categories. I was very impressed with that brand new school. You're right, it really is too early to tell how great they will get, I suppose.
  5. yeah, i saw reagan's show at a halftime, but it was from the sideline. They play Verdi's requiem like Avon did last year, but Reagan does it a whole step lower. They sound pretty clean but they aren't the same since they split and Chambers left. But they are still Reagan for sure. But the school the split into, Johnson, is actually really good. I also saw them from the side. They have a band director that was at churchill forever and a percussion instructer that was in Phantom. I would expect to see Johnson's name up there with the LD Bell, Marcus, Woodlands within a couple years. Remember how fast reagan rose to the top? They got a lot of potential
  6. yeah, Retshulte was in Star '93. And Dean Westman arranged woodwind parts. It is clearly based off Stars show but there are plenty of differences. Except the drumline's book. It's identical. But who can imagine marching Medea without Hannums book? Also check out Cedar Park this year. they do an arrangement closer to the Blast stuff and pull it off really well
  7. This is kind of odd. How did Churchill go down in music that much and Spring go up so much. Can someone who saw both prelims and finals fill me in on all these crazy gaps and whatnot
  8. It sure is. Two super slow movements and a repetitive piece with like 2 hard measures. Basically you must play it absolutely perfect to be better than someone. my region isnt so hard for euphonium though. I switched from trumpet last summer and still made region that fall. but i liked the music last year. arban is great
  9. i think Winston Churchill is the only world percussion group from texas that's going to finals. so be sure to give them your support
  10. The reason reagan isn't so great this year is because mark chambers, their head director for all these past years, left to go direct the Crossmen. That was a big blow to them. Plus they lost a really good senior class from last year and are trying to compensate. And what's worse, they're school is overcrowded so the districts making a new HS to take up half of what is Reagan. So they're band will be half of what it is now. This year was supposed to be their last year of greatness before the split, but they are struggling from all of their losses.
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