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Everything posted by Spazztastic

  1. Colleyville leaves today!! Best of luck to Bell and Hidalgo!! :]
  2. Colleyville will be at Grand Nationals this weekend so we cannot attend Lonestar. I'm dissappointed considering it's a drumline tradition and it's my senior year, but I wish all the other drumlines performing the best of luck!!!
  3. we were on charter buses thankfully, I'm not entirely sure how much traffic we hit b/c I slept through most of the ride, but I do know that we thought we would make it back home by halftime of our game & we didn't make it until the last 5 mins of the 4th...
  4. our drive was about 3.5 hours, but we hit a bit of traffic
  5. I wanted to see Phantom's marching clinic sooooo bad but, unfortunately, we had to leave immediately after the marching competition awards so we could at least try to make it back home in time for our football game...we did not suceed :/
  6. I wanted to see Phantom's marching clinic sooooo bad but, unfortunately, we had to leave immediately after the marching competition awards so we could at least try to make it back home in time for our football game...we did not suceed
  7. Actually, Marcus got the Best Front Ensemble caption, Congrats to them!!
  8. Colleyville is PASIC Bound!! I'm super excited, we haven't been since my sophmore year. Does anyone know the shows of the Dlines that are going? Ours is guitar hero themed
  9. I have always found that you can do both If you pour your heart into a preformance and into execution you please the crowd and the judges && take it from the audience perspective If I am in the stands Im going to be watching them preform not compete But, if they are not executing well it will draw away from the preformance So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think the two are connected very rarely will you throw down a show that the crowd absolutely loves that the judges hate or vice-versa
  10. Nothing personally But In BOA San Antonio Prelims One of our Mellos fell and broke her wrist She picked up her horn and marched the rest of the show and got mad when we told her she couldn't march finals She's one tough kid, and shes only a freshman!
  11. Our grades as a whole drop once season is over. The directors think it is because there is less pressure once eligibility isn't an issue.
  12. I agree that if you know how to manage your time, then you have plenty of time to get everything done. Most of our kids are in AP classes and have jobs and still manage to come to every rehersal. Also, I think the idea of kids only wanting to do concert band is funny... At my school I think the majority of kids would much rather just do marching season
  13. Just out of curiousity... After reading through most of this thread I've noticed that almost everyone enjoyed the Prelims performances better and seemed to think the they were, for the most part, better executed and more effective. I know our band had a much cleaner show in prelims and we got hyped up and excited going into finals and thus, execution was weak. Was this true of most bands that performed in finals? I will say this about my band though, we had fun in our farwell performance and I wouldn't have had it any other way.
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