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Everything posted by __HBK__

  1. I never watched power rangers soo.... BLUE! What is your favorite kind of lightbulb?
  2. alternatively check this one out(it seems to be bigger(and my dad works there sooo...)): Sherman Story btw, why don't we ever have our show on youtube? wouldn't that be convenient?
  3. i don't mind so much being called a band geek/nerd as when people mean it in a bad way. i think it's more the perception of them calling you less than them because you're in band. i personally don't take offense to the term, just how people use it.
  4. waaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiitttttttttt.... what was that about those daggum trumpets?
  5. lol... sherman people all over (i think we all know why, but it's best not to mention it) actually, that's six posts in a row now...
  6. i guess it would be kinda cool to be a drum major.... but there would be sooo much work(even though you wouldn't have to march).
  7. Mostly I started this thread to find out why the majority of people are in marching band. Do you just like it? Are you in it because of your friends? Why are you still in it? If none of the reasons listed here are why you're in band, feel free to post your reasons below:
  8. ummm... yeah... I'm really sorry about the post of the area b results being wrong. I made the assumption that my parents had written down the results correctly. Turns out that they wrote them down later and guessed a little. I'd also like to apologize for the poster from Sherman who was so blatant in their bragging. Just remember that all bands have members that aren't always thoughtful enough.
  9. (to clarify things a bit) (and edited; sorry ") RESULTS FOR AREA B: 1- Sherman 2- Aledo 3- Colony 4- Centennial Alts(no particular order)- Birdville and Joshua Others that were in finals(no particular order)- Crowley, McKinney Boyd, Western Hills, McKinney North
  10. well... you see... >.> i play the trumpet... so i may be a bit biased...
  11. LOL, what computer are you using kingkool? (the one from school?) The kid's pretty good for 4... O_O I wish I had started learning trumpet sooner now... ;_;
  12. Lmao, these are both very funny. I'm not sure if the second article is trying to be funny(Lmao) or what. From personal experience, though, I know that using pressure is not the answer to playing high OR better. I used to play using a lot of pressure, but recently I began to play with a better tone and range. I experimented to see what it was that made the difference. It was the inside of my mouth. The key to a good tone is to have an open mouth. Not OPEN, but like you're about to sing a really deep note. Sooo.... DONT USE TOO MUCH PRESSURE! I'M SERIOUS, IF YOU DO, I'LL HUNT YOU DOWN AND EAT YOUR HAT!
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