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Everything posted by steg5

  1. im just a tiny bit worried. unless of course these two are into the sexy male vampire ? (:
  2. WOOOO! Leander is still in the first block! :] Happy we're not going first or second though.
  3. I'm pretty sure you're not the only one feeling this way. I would seriously talk to some of the other band kids and see if you can have a meeting with your director. I know this sounds silly but if you have a few people who feel the same way, your director is more likely to listen to you. It's also weird to say that you want to have more practice time :]. How many kids do you have in your band?
  4. How can you get anything done with just "one" practice. I mean I know you rehearse during your class period, but is your whole band during one period? And why do you start at 7? Anddd.. btw Leander does have an hour and a half everyday (for those kids who aren't every other day). We usually do music during class and randomly go outside when we have to, then after school we do just outside rehearsal (minus rain :]).
  5. Awww.. poor cheerleader. Leander doesnt have any football kids or cheerleaders or any one else but band kids in our program, so luckily we don't have people stick out because they're wearing a different uni.
  6. Well the texting part.. I'm not so sure about. My dad believes that it is a waste of money and also if we (my family) get texting that we will still use the same amount of minutes and might even go over! Which both my mom, sister, and I have told him that having text will make us use less minutes and in the end cost you less. But he's hard-headed. Your concert will be amazing! Why is it so hard to be patient?
  7. I don't even know where that's at. In reality I don't know where a lot of colleges are... "/
  8. I know a flute player wants to try out on tpt. but I'm not sure she's going to be able to do so well. Her boyfriend is teaching her to play and I can't remember which one she wants to try out for, but other than that I don't know anyone.
  9. Heck yes! Will I ever figure out the answers to my questions? The one's that I need to know when I'm applying for college? The one's that I have e-mailed 4 different people about and have received no answers!?! UGHHH! That's two questions, that can receive no answer! "/ Okay, here's my real question... will I get texting within the next few months?
  10. Nothing against Arkansas, but it's just too far. I would never go to A&M. Military style... mmm that's just not me. :] I have "visited" both Tech and UT, I don't really like the atmosphere of being part of a city. It would make me kind of confused. But then again being a part of nothing, not so great either. Going to Tech would be more of what I'm used because all throughout my childhood, I've lived "in the middle of nowhere". I hate applying for colleges and everything that goes with it!
  11. That is so lame! I hate going early in the morning, besides that it is a little cooler. But it shouldn't really matter once you're done marching your show. Stupid shakos and making people sweaty. "/
  12. Seriously, what makes a band go first? Does payment have to do with anything, or is it seriously just luck of the draw? Because Leander has been in the first block for.. well since I can remember.
  13. Haha :].. I think thats going to take awhile to form. I'd rather be with a 400 person band than one that's just starting out.
  14. Having an early time slot is what Leander is known for, so you just might get your wish.
  15. I'm not even attempting to apply to that many colleges. :] There are only 7 colleges in the state of Texas that have what I want to do; Lamar, Tech, Texas Christian, Texas Women's, Stephen F Austin, and I can't remember the other two. But I know Lamar doesn't have a marching band, so I'm not applying there.
  16. The sooner the videos, the worse the show is. It gives an idea of what the show is, but I would wait to post my bands last performance. It was scarrrryy! We just learned are last bit of drill this last week. Onward to cleaning!!! And visual learning, that is, if we have any to learn. "/
  17. How many colleges actually require flute players to learn the picc and play picc for marching season? And I don't understand how you can make this sound remotely okay. With two piccolos in my band, I think that is good enough. Anything more than 3 is pushing it.
  18. I would totally cry if my flute got crushed in the stands. I don't think I've ever left my flute somewhere. Most accidents for winds happen because stupid people don't watch where they're walking, or running in some cases, and they trample over instruments. My flute has been kicked or stepped on at least 4 time in two weeks this year.
  19. Well to continue this off of topic-ness... Our band practice field is right next to our parking lot, and our students know not to park on it, but after school we always have kids walk across our field. Does anyone else go through the pains of saying "Can you please get off our field, we're trying to have a rehearsal". And I have almost been in a fight with a kid because he refused to walk around. I am not particularly a person to be in a fight. It's really annoying. On topic: We haven't had any injuries so far as I know. And we don't have rediculous props this year. The only thing thats been a "problem" is that we've had many kids sick and a few fail.
  20. QUOTE (AverageMarcher @ Oct 10 2008, 07:13 PM) this year, we have big 16 foot props made out of wood and particle board, and the other day, one happened to fall on one of our flute players =[ she ended up with a concussion. besides that, nothing major. QUOTE(CPTenor @ Oct 12 2008, 12:51 PM) dude thats intense.. how does something like that even happen? My freshman year, Leander had like 8 or 9 foot tall wooden doors and one of them ran into a car and dented it. Anything is possible in band. :]
  21. Okay, when I first got on here I went to the most recent posts and read "Flutes, the best section youve heard before" skipped the word never. Then I started at the top becuase I'm kinda bored, reread it, and I think that's hilarious. :] I can't wait until our shirts get in. Ours are the neon colors with the "I'd hit that." I'm excited. btw i hate region and am forced to go! and i hate the music this year. stupid key signatures... "/
  22. Leander kids were kinda "forced" to take the one when we have BOA San Antonio. Luckily I have already taken it twice.. and that is good enough for me. The kids that are going, which is like 10 I think, said they were going to try to do something fun since they werent driving back to Leander with us on the charters, but I think since they only have to ride yellow buses once (which is only 2 hours not 4) that that should be the only fun they have in San Antonio without the band :]
  23. This past weekend has just been a blast. (sarcasm). Our Saturday rehearsal went apparently really well and it doesn't make sense to me, that our whole can be angry, tired, and dehydrated, and yet still throw down "a finals performance show"? As much as I wanted to make it into finals, I knew it just wasn't going to happen. After watching our video today, we had two tears which somehow we recovered from, and it was just amazing through all of it we ended up about in the middle of all the bands. I was proud. I was kind of glad that there wasn't a "large" crowd. :] I really enjoyed watching the bands perform during finals. Wish I could've seen Pascall's. They have our "to tame the perilous skies" show from 2 years ago.
  24. Nt to mention, but a lot of leander kids became sick this weekend. Icluding myself.
  25. well its probably in the top drawer of the dresser closest to your bed :] thats where i always leave mine for anyone who does a march-a-thon.... about how much do you raise and how?
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