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About drippin_tuba2010

  • Birthday 07/22/1992

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  1. Vandegrift will be performing in exhibition at state, correct? It was very loud in the stands, difficult to hear.
  2. here's tonight's area D finals performance from Dripping Springs http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#...9131&ref=nf
  3. anyone got results from BOA ST. L?
  4. i never said it didn't happen. but yes, it is a game. there are maybe 10 people in the entirety of txbands.com who know what occurred for real. most people (including myself) like to make fun of people dumb enough to blatantly ask.
  5. i dunno why i keep coming back and reading this thread/ the first few posts are funny, and then it turns into something similar to injecting glass shards into my eyeballs.
  6. What do you think? I have the finale from symphony no. 8 in mind.
  7. there's quite a bit on facebook. Here's my band from last night at Westlake Festival finals. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#...;v=154201048570
  8. this is from memory, so don't quote me on specific scores. 3RD: JACK C. HAYS 73.something 2ND: STEELE 76.something 1ST: DRIP 86.6 ALL CAPTIONS: DRIP they only announced top 3. i'll get a recap on tuesday and post it.
  9. Any idea why Hendrickson is in the AAAAA class? They're still a 4A school.
  10. You are all stupid and uneducated. Everyone who's anybody knows that '93 was the year that Crockett was selected by the great Lord Xenu to be his sacrificial band. The members begged and pleaded to let them at least finish marching season. The great Lord Xenu, being a kind Lord, allowed them this indulgence. The day after the State Competition, the great Lord Xenu descended from his dwelling on his ship that looks a lot like a B-52 without jets to devour his sacrifice. He started with the Seniors. Montoya was one of the lucky few who survived to march another year. Unfortunately, the Directors of the band fled, fearing for their lives, crippling the band until the next time the great Lord Xenu returns for his sacrifice.
  11. I'm very much looking forward to Poteet's show this year. PAst couple of years has been simply incredible from them. We'll see what they do this year.
  12. youtube
  13. i beg to differ. area d was stacked in 07 when all 4 who advanced made state finals, but seeing as 3 of the top 5 are now 5A, 4A area d looks to be fairly average this season. this post not intended to bash any band competing. it's my opinion. if you have an issue, message me and it will be dealt with privately.
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