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Everything posted by drippin_tuba2010

  1. Vandegrift will be performing in exhibition at state, correct? It was very loud in the stands, difficult to hear.
  2. here's tonight's area D finals performance from Dripping Springs http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#...9131&ref=nf
  3. anyone got results from BOA ST. L?
  4. i never said it didn't happen. but yes, it is a game. there are maybe 10 people in the entirety of txbands.com who know what occurred for real. most people (including myself) like to make fun of people dumb enough to blatantly ask.
  5. i dunno why i keep coming back and reading this thread/ the first few posts are funny, and then it turns into something similar to injecting glass shards into my eyeballs.
  6. What do you think? I have the finale from symphony no. 8 in mind.
  7. there's quite a bit on facebook. Here's my band from last night at Westlake Festival finals. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#...;v=154201048570
  8. this is from memory, so don't quote me on specific scores. 3RD: JACK C. HAYS 73.something 2ND: STEELE 76.something 1ST: DRIP 86.6 ALL CAPTIONS: DRIP they only announced top 3. i'll get a recap on tuesday and post it.
  9. Any idea why Hendrickson is in the AAAAA class? They're still a 4A school.
  10. You are all stupid and uneducated. Everyone who's anybody knows that '93 was the year that Crockett was selected by the great Lord Xenu to be his sacrificial band. The members begged and pleaded to let them at least finish marching season. The great Lord Xenu, being a kind Lord, allowed them this indulgence. The day after the State Competition, the great Lord Xenu descended from his dwelling on his ship that looks a lot like a B-52 without jets to devour his sacrifice. He started with the Seniors. Montoya was one of the lucky few who survived to march another year. Unfortunately, the Directors of the band fled, fearing for their lives, crippling the band until the next time the great Lord Xenu returns for his sacrifice.
  11. I'm very much looking forward to Poteet's show this year. PAst couple of years has been simply incredible from them. We'll see what they do this year.
  12. youtube
  13. i beg to differ. area d was stacked in 07 when all 4 who advanced made state finals, but seeing as 3 of the top 5 are now 5A, 4A area d looks to be fairly average this season. this post not intended to bash any band competing. it's my opinion. if you have an issue, message me and it will be dealt with privately.
  14. Dripping Springs 2009: "Noir" Rachmaninov
  15. Tuba etudes are a joke this year. In a seeming trend from the past 4 years, hard, easy, hard, and this year, easy. Perhaps it reflects the book it is selected out of? Kopprasch, Blazhevitch, Kopprasch, Blazhevitch.
  16. I'm playing the 2nd movement (Romanza) from the Vaughan Williams Concerto for Tuba and Orchestra. It's hard. I'm enjoying it quite a lot.
  17. My school (dripping springs) played festivo last year. very fun piece to play. I played Heart and Voice last year in the 4A Region 18 symphonic band. It's definitely one of my favorite pieces for band ever. The symphonic band at Drip is playing Easter Monday this year along with Cityscape by Scott Boerma and Variations on a Theme by Robert Schumann (happy farmer) by Robert Jager.
  18. Drip sent 7 people to Area this year. We had none make it. A tenor trombone and a euphonium recorded, but both missed it. A trumpet missed it by 1 spot. I got 5th out of 8 in the tuba room but I'd been sick for 3 days and still couldn't breathe going into the room. Still got next year.
  19. Here's Dripping Springs: 03- Scheherezade 04- Divertimento 05- Estancia 06- Rhapsody Riffs (Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue and 2nd Prelude) Arr. Mark Waymire 07- Smokestacks and Paddlewheels: Life Along the River Arr. Mark Waymire 08- III-isms (Cubism, Dada, Impressionism) Arr. Mark Waymire Drill by George Hester
  20. "To Zanarkand" is definitely one of my personal favorites. FFX has great music throughout the game. Definitely worth a shot (buy or rent it) if not for the game itself, the great music and good story.
  21. of course that's the point of music. music exists to elicit an emotional response from the listener, be it anger, sadness, happiness, or just release. but this topic isn't just about music, it's about marching band. to me, marching band is just that. marching. band. marching-run around a football field with some form of style in a uniform to look snappy. band-brass, woodwind, and persussion combined to make music. you put the two together you get brass, woodwind, and percussion running around a field with some form of style in a uniform to make them look snappy. now lets try some real definitions from mirriamwebster.com march- to move along steadily usually with a rhythmic stride and in step with others. band- a group of musicians organized for ensemble playing. nothing about marching band on that website. in my opinion, drum corps is the epitome of marching band. how often do you see those guys only marching and playing for 2-3 minutes of a show? drum corps usually have balanced their shows between a few perc. moments, a few brass moments, and the whole corps marching and playing most of the time. why then, should high school bands not be able to do this? is it that drum corps are just that far above the high school bands? i don't think so. my band marches and plays just about the entire time we're on the field, and we are usually pretty successful at our competitions. so why is it that directors create shows with so little playing while moving? i don't have an answer to this question, but i don't think its unreasonable to think that more and more bands should be trying to bump up their total music+motion time in a show. texas bands have 8 minutes to create something beautiful on the field. LD Bell succeeded with "The Quest", definitely one of my all time favorites. but i think that Bell and others aren't recognizing their full potential, and creating shows where the capabilities of students aren't pushed to the limit. why create a show which is fun to watch and easy to perform when you can create one that presents challenges to students and could be the most amazing thing ever to set foot on a football field?
  22. i was thinkin the same thing myself the other day. remember though, that last year new braunfels was 5th. they moved up too. i'm thinkin mccallum is gonna take a spot. hays did well too.
  23. im auditioning for crossmen for sure. cavaliers have an austin camp so i might go to that too
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