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Liquid Midget

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Everything posted by Liquid Midget

  1. who do you think is going to take connally's and vista ridge's spots in area D?
  2. Now that the 08' season has come to a close, what do you think next season is going to look like? Who's leading the pack? Possible dark horses or contenders for 4a state? Just general thoughts on how you think next year is going to play out.
  3. i havent seen poteets show. what kind of work are they puttin out this year?
  4. i havent seen poteets show but i hear its pretty intense. Not to mention Plano East, Sherman, The Colony, Birdville, and Wylie. Centennial is going to be fun this year.
  5. almost halfway through marching season. who do you think the front runners are in Texas? all divisions not just 5a.
  6. haha i have exorcised the demon.... this house is clear.
  7. yes dude. holy crap. i saw that when i was about 8 and clowns and i have never been the same.
  8. personally i didn't get to see that many people perform so its hard to say.
  9. playing really loud, then play even louder will always produce a bad sound. there is a point that you cant fix the tone again. its just loud and gross. you cant just keep cranking the volume. And i wasn't nagging about the woodwinds. yes they do have moments. i simply said that the show was MOSTLY i repeat MOSTLY dominated by brass. also i didn't twist his words. I only highlight key flaw points in his argument. now i would be more than happy to resume festival talk. but if the members of cedar park cant be humble and except a little constructive criticism and let people express their opinion (which is the point of a public forum) then that's just too bad. congrats to CP but if some of the members have a problem with people exorcising their right to free speech..... need i say more? this is me exorcising my right to free speech. in no way have i ever tried to bash or twist anyone's words.
  10. Congrats to all the participating bands at Westlake. And way to go Round Rock.
  11. ya there weren't any tears or anything just individual tempo problems.
  12. there was a considerable amount of standing around but with a tempo as fast as that its a little justifiable. the only problems i have is that holding the tempo was a little shaky. so you cant really use that argument. its difficult to march that fast but hes was right in saying "park and bark". starting at fff and then getting louder. plus there was very little contrast between the brass and woodwinds in my opinion. brass overpowered most of the show (there were some pretty cool woodwind moments though). but in no way was cedar park less deserving than any other band out there. they went out and played and marched the crap out of there show. but people shouldnt dog on other people just for voicing there opinion. things like that comment "park and bark" it doesnt really matter. in that situation just hold up that first place trophy.
  13. thats alot of really good bands. LD Bell, Cedar Park, Bowie, Westlake, Berkner, Marcus, Georgetown, Langham Creek, Churchill, Reagan, Stephen F. Austin. the list just goes on.
  14. Class AAA * Hondo HS, Hondo, TX * Pearsall HS, Pearsall, TX * Robinson HS, Robinson, TX Class AAAA * Alice HS, Alice, TX * Dripping Springs HS, Dripping Springs, TX * Hays HS, Buda, TX * Lake Travis HS, Austin, TX * Marble Falls HS, Marble Falls, TX Class AAAAA * W. Charles Akins HS, Austin, TX * Anderson HS, Austin, TX * Belton HS, Belton, TX * James Bowie HS, Austin, TX * Cedar Park HS, Cedar Park, TX * Connally HS, Austin, TX * Copperas Cove HS, Copperas Cove, TX * Georgetown HS, Georgetown, TX * John Jay HS, San Antonio, TX * Sandra Day O'Connor HS, Helotes, TX * Pflugerville HS, Pflugerville, TX * Round Rock HS, Round Rock, TX * Weslaco HS, Weslaco, TX Exhibition Performance: Westlake High School, Austin, TX
  15. Hendrickson has an awesome show this year. there is a part in it where the whole band is moving in slow motion its so sweet.
  16. oh ya sorry i must have gotten that mixed up with duncanville
  17. that was intense... imagine if they had a good amount of time to prepare, then just a week.
  18. Ya thats what im trying to do with the section leaders at my school. They worry too much about Being set or talking that they overlook what their there for. I was that freshman that worked hard but never had enough points. so im trying to do it vicariously through the section leaders as a senior.
  19. "I believe that a section leader should be the hardest working member of the section. Especially during those last thirty minutes of rehearsal where everyone wants to go home. If the section leader starts walking back to there spot lackadaisically, the section members will start doing the same." -rpd section leaders need to be the best marchers and players on the field. how are people supposed to learn how to march when the "teachers" cant even do it well. also a section leaders job isnt to just tell people to be quite all the time. the need to be proactive. fix forms and spacing. DS uses a point system. it is based on a preliminary resume, essay, and teacher recommendations. Whoa whoa whoa! Teacher Recommendations? The only teachers that should be involved in band matters are the directors. idk how many times our head director has said the people over in the main part of the school dont know what happens out here. so why should they dictate what happens with the leadership. point systems in general are shaky because the point will spit out someone who looks amazing on paper but may not be able to perform well. The final part of the try out is great. marching, playing, teaching, conducting, and interview. great! but i think it should be a mix of the second portion, student vote, and ultimately a director decision. they know who will be the best leader. not the best looking on paper.
  20. I believe that a bands performance is proportional to its level of leadership. How should a Section Leader/Drum Major be picked, and what abilities do you think a Leader should portray and act?
  21. 2001 and 2005 Cadets 2005 and 2008 Cavalers 2005 Phantom 2004 SCV
  22. i totally agree with having more time to practice and more show time. there have been so many instances that a band has to cut really cool moments out of their show. it would also be nice to have more practice time to work out those trouble areas that we never seem to get because there just isnt enough time to clean it. i also think uil should take color guard and percussion into consideration when judging. you would see some pretty drastic changes in the top bands of the state as far as uil is concerned.
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