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About MthsTrumpetsDOItBetter

  • Birthday 05/08/1992

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Flute 8 High Clarinets 10 Low Clarinets 10 Saxes 10 Oboes 8(-) Bassoons 10 Trumpets 11(+) Horns 10 Euphoniums 10 Trombones 11 Tubas 10 Mallet Percussion 12 Drums 10 Auxiliary Percussion 10 Piano 10 Violin 10 Viola 10 Cello 10 Bass 10
  2. Wow, lots of replys! Lol, well I'm getting better. My tone has improved alot. I can now pretty much get up to a G above the staff but this is still screwing me up. Braces. Screwing up band kids everywhere. So yeah, now I kinda have to make fun of myself before anyone else does. You know? And I agree with NSUMusician but, if you can't play your high notes and everything else is amazing... it still wount get you super far. Because if you get a first part, there are bound to be high notes in there. I'm still working on my range. I'm SSSOOOOOOO glad I have a private lesson teacher or I would have thrown my trumpet off of the top of the empire state building by now.
  3. Oh my God! I just listened to that. I feel guilty laughing at that [i am a trumpet player myself] but that was REALLY funny! I was crying. Hahahhaa.
  4. Yeah, I did. For like 5 minutes. Gym Class Heros Who would win in a fight between your head drum major and your band director?
  5. I think I found something to waste my time with! Haha, This show sucks but oh well! http://www.micromarching.com/show.php?showID=539
  6. Awww, well why thank you! I love our band too! Haha. And I was just thinking one day so I put my thought in my signature. :] Because Geometry is hard. [well, for me at least] Why do my lips hurt? I just played my trumpet for like... 2 minutes. Lol
  7. Because everyone is bound to get me sick [like all my friends are sick] and you are trying to get me sick over the computer. Should I be a section leader next year? [lol]
  8. Gah. I sure hope so. Makes me mad because region was this week and I wanted to try out! BUT NOOO!!! I have to SUCK! I have to only be able to play an E!!! GGAAHHH! XP Okay, sorry. Rant is over. ...for now.
  9. I'm gonna honestly have to go with Cavies '04. That was my first Cavies show to ever see and I basicly fell in love with it. :]
  10. Okay so i got my braces off on Wednsday and I really do kinda wanna kill myself. Gahhh, I would have thought it would get better in almost a week but it hasen't. It really depends on what day I pick up my horn. Yesterday I could only play a D in the staff and today I could play an E. So yeah. Really kinda discouraged because sometimes I try and play a D or something and I just get a really loud blat that is like a REALLY ugly sounding low note. Gah, I really hope getting my bracess of pays off because this really sucks. Most of my music doesn't go about an E [stupid third part] but I don't intend to be on third part for the whole year. HHEEELLLPP? XP
  11. Pppfffffttt. We aren't going to beat Heborn. Everyone was saying yesterday that we just want to beat Monteray so we can go to Texas Stadium. We don't care if we win this one. We get to go to Texas Stadium. :]
  12. I [like someone else said] am one of the few people in the world who like our uniforms. I don't really pay attention to people's uniforms. Here's pictures of our uniforms. [during show] [last year's full band picture] [picture I took of uniform and hat]
  13. I thought it was DeSoto. Whoever won the Hebron/ Desoto game. And the Dallas Morning News said Texas Stadium.
  14. I think that a marching show does not NEED a slow movement but it sounds beter with a slow movement in it. It gives the listener a chance to just breathe. I also feel like the slow movements are a good time to showcase the woodwinds and the soloists. Although the shows do not NEED a slow movement, most of the time the show sounds better with a slow movement [in my oppinion]
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