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Everything posted by WestCoastCorpsFan

  1. /yeah, they actually really liked it a lot. Two of them actually said it could count as a audition recording (I got in to those colleges). I actually got an email critique from one on the etudes! So yes, I did... lol.
  2. especially experiment and string quartet. thats awesome stuff.
  3. I made one for my "music auditions" for college. and now that the profs have all reviewed it I put up some extra stuff! So, check mine out too. myspace.com/adamchrobak oh and pretty sweet music zach
  4. Arizona State, Sam Houston, or Baylor
  5. haha of course.
  6. Cavies won't win.
  7. If I get a warning for saying that some guys high school marching band isn't as hard as a drum corps, why doesnt this guy get a warning...
  8. word. Too cool for school.
  9. I used it sarcastically...but yes, they do.
  10. Bashing? I would call it, conveyance of truth. lol. just lol.
  11. Takigan: It was a joke, lol.
  12. I think the forefathers probably would agree with ActualGirlTrombone
  13. then maybe you shouldn't have said anything in the first place?
  14. Well, what are you comparing it to? I mean no offense, but any person who goes and tries out for a top 7 corps is probably going to think that...
  15. ... and which one is that skippy? I think Takigan has turned into the bad guy. So, DCI Rule Proposals:
  16. Well, the corps I'm at marches Bari and Euph. And uh, the bari parts aren't easy.... So if a Dynasty Euph is a car , then I guess the Contra is the equivalent of holding a NASA Space Shuttle. Did anyone on here actually go try to learn a brass instrument... or anything for that matter? Im going to bet not. and if someone did, they didnt tryout.
  17. Dont forget the guard!!!
  18. Maybe, you should go march Cadets or something... dear lord.
  19. I would hope so!!! (btw how did UM go?) How did I get into Arizona State music, DePaul, and UNT, and SHSU... but not texas tech?
  20. Your family friend hasn't paid his/her taxes... the district is mad, thus punishing them. Why do colleges make it so hard to apply?
  21. yeah seriously... sorry for being selfish....
  22. If you want to march DCI, and you play a woodwind instrument. You should learn a brass instrument. There are several corps that will actually teach you. Woodwinds arent bad instruments. but the set up of a drum corps would be...well, ruined... by adding them. Plus, Isn't it an extreme difficulty for some woodwind instruments to do such difficult visuals?
  23. Well, I guess that's cool. but, personally I dont get the same feeling. Emotional music is emotional music, but not everyone get's the same emotion.
  24. Why would you need brass mic'ing? I mean, I guess if your brass line isnt good enough to balance to a soloist...
  25. When it happened to me, I felt bad that I wasnt't out there working my butt off with them.
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