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Everything posted by WestCoastCorpsFan

  1. Kinda wished the age out proposal was passed. I wanted to march5 and have an off year... ugh. I wonder why they shot it down.
  2. Kinda wished the age out proposal was passed. I wanted to march5 and have an off year... ugh. I wonder why they shot it down.
  3. Well, what are you comparing it to?
  4. I got to, the thought of doing it is over rated... I thought.
  5. Maybe you should talk to caption heads and such before you decide something. Then they can decide if it would interfere with their teaching. : )
  6. I think there are appropriate and inappropriate times for such.
  7. I voted for UH... but, if I wasnt from texas....yeah.
  8. Well thats what happens whe you have Van Doren... but vanguard has him and bob chreste. little bit of crown sound at vanguard maybe? Does anyone know if it is true they are extremely like star in the way they rehearse? (crown) oh and skippy the answer to you r question is: you ask other people... or you could be on the front sideline while everyone else was behind you.
  9. I think that's a good way of putting it. I never thought if it in that respect. Good one Nancy!
  10. Crown's brass scores baffles me. They are so good. Cadets, Crown, and Vanguard!!! sound awesome. Im not going to say anything of blue stars, I have never seen a show. I like the uniforms though. Well, Faust, was reallly realllllly loud. Atleast at San Antonio it was. The end of phantoms show was really loud too. but, its possible the other were louder. DVD's dont do corps justice.
  11. Post here who you made, or if you tried out, or are still in the process for. VETS! Feel free to tell some corps stories too, for the future rookies reading this thread.
  12. Michael Bui & BlueBellBrass > TRUMPet BlueBell: Really? I think they are really Loud! But could you imagine if they all played with a good sound in balance, with (dare i say) Resonance and Tuning? Like I said earlier, when they arc it up, phantom has most people beat. Too bad you can't arc it up on a field for 10 minutes.
  13. Well, It's not like anyone knows the RIGHT way to do marching band or something. That's what makes bands unique. I semi-agree with TRUMPet... except I think he used a bad example. Im really not a fan of people crawling or hiding behind sheets for chunks of a show. Mr. Bui. I think you are right in some aspects. One, I guess you could say most of the time bands/corps will hault in a Ballad. But, there is a certain amount of time you can pull this off in. It may be personal preference, but like I said, I really dont like watching an invisible band play a couple chords for minutes. TRUMPet, I kind of agree with you, but calling out Churchills show probably wasnt a good example. The use of the longer than normal hault was effective. and the silence held meaning. Also, you may want to watch out on the voice thing... I believe your high school will have a choir singing, and you will be singing. : o And, going into this new DCI world (aka The BOA takeover of DCI) the corps you're trying out for may need to use such devices just to stay competitive in the future... end. (btw, I think LD Bell is really good. Im just not a fan of the show design.)
  14. Im doing it, because I want to. Ill do anything else as a LAST resort.
  15. Like when they stand still and play songs with huge power chords. or dissonance notes. but, Im not going to lie, they play a mean Amazing Grace and Fire of Eternal glory. It's just when they start moving. Maybe they should just do what the Blue Devils do.... PARK AND BLOWWWW BABY!!!
  16. Im in "Symphonic Band" at CP(second band... for this dumb scheduling issue...but ugh, w.e.) So: Blue Shades - Tichelli March from Symphonic Metamorphosis - Hindemith Sleep - Whitacre
  17. I remember Allentown.... Blehhhhh. I thought they were doing a show about Digestion. lol. Then to find out it was "On Air"
  18. How about PR's brassline. I think they are EXTREMELY over rated. On here, I know some of the people think that because they are loud and use some well placed power chords makes them good... But, their sound is just gross. It is unbalanced, edgy, out of control. Especially there tuba section. I was impressed with the end of this years show where they were playign mfl while jazz running for a good while. but, besides it being loud...it sounded gross. (not to mention there run technique was atrocious.) good thing they have an awesome drumline.
  19. because if you are... its not the best. but if you want to direct in the midwest. You pretty much have a job in the bag.
  20. Its only like one of the best in the world...
  21. There are so many music comp majors. Like, I didnt think there were usually that many. On top of that... everyone here is like doubling. Its making me feel worried, Im only majoring in MuEd. I hope that doesnt hurt me when getting a job.
  22. Well, I wouldn't know of Colorado. But thats pretty lame.
  23. No it doesn't, but it will be interesting to see how things fold out.
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