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Everything posted by WestCoastCorpsFan

  1. Well put.
  2. Well, you are misinterpreting what I wrote. w/e. bottomline: Cavies visualy = holy poop...! Phantom music = sounds like poop *btw, neither are my favorite.
  3. When I saw the Bands that made finals for UIL. I died a little inside to know that UIL had failed once again. To leave Cedar Park and Woodlands out!?! mind blowing. I know it was a year ago. but, there is no politics in this comment. They were much better than several of the bands.
  4. santa clara was in the top 5 last year (so they aren't "newcomers", and they were out in 05 and 06. That's not very long.) If phantom makes top 3 in brass, DCI should seriously evaluate the music category of judging.
  5. Ha, coincidence. riiight. lol.
  6. And many of the concepts are out there. or atleast names and repertoire. One can only know BD is going to be top3
  7. DCI waaas on ESPN.... http://www.dci.org/news/view.cfm?news_id=9...95-fc05eed6d41e
  8. haha, water. Oh BlueBell, The Cadets are loud. I wasnt saying they weren't. Well...read my signature?
  9. So is donna like the high school phantom wannabe? (not wannabe in a bad way) ok, so... are they a phantom look a like?
  10. Yeah, uh... we were talking about the cavies visual program there bud. and I said the same thing about their music. uh, gross.
  11. yeah... I do. sadly those sports aren't that simple.
  12. Lump of Coal. JK! If I was a doctor, would I tell a cancer patient that they had cancer?
  13. Part of a band that doesnt like my band.
  14. Ooo, if you upload it, pm me or something. Id like to see that. Big Star fan!
  15. I was extremely disappointed with this past show. Im usually not a big Phantom fan. I believe they get a lot of credit to their brass line for having such a non-blended, un matched, edgy sound. But If I ranked the shows on an entertainment level, I would have put the cavaliers only a step ahead of the blue knights, and way behind even phantom. But then again phantom shows are very entertaining. Just, badly scored. But they're visual program is always ridiculous. They won't be out of the top 5 For a long, long, long, long time.
  16. THIS IS A PREDICTION EDIT! 1)Blue Devils 2)Cavaliers 3)Santa Clara Vanguard 4) Cadets 5) Carolina Crown 6) Phantom Regiment 7) Blue Coats 8) Madison Scouts 9) Glassmen 10) The Academy 11) Boston Crusaders 12) Colts
  17. I feel Clear Brook and Hendrickson and Vista Ridge. I have heard people say Akins? eh...
  18. I thought Blue Stars were going to Denver?
  19. BlueBell our friend marches high school band at rowlett : ) dude dont bring us down because you have only marched physically easy shows. Just Kidding! Here is the video. SCIENTIFIC PROOF! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHje4jxt7v0
  20. I like SCV's idea, I think Im going to use it.
  21. Watch a phantom regiment show, then watch a video of Donna High School, or someone with white pants, you will see the difference is quite obvious
  22. what? Exactly, It's not like it cant be a sport and art. Drum Corps is the "Sport of the Arts".
  23. Also, I would like to add, that Marching Band completely falls under the dictionary definition as shown in SCV's post. Can't really argue with the dictionry.
  24. So we are going to let the school districts control how we label our activity? I think they control enough of what they don't know. Now, I guess it can be said that not all Marching Band is a sport. But, maybe if we narrow it to "Competitive Marching Band"? Such as bands that attend contests and BOA events. I believe everything about the activity makes it a sport. It has techniques, the stuff SCV_Contra said, the participants are required a certain level of physical fitness. Some bands require more than others, but it is all relative. Why can't a "Fine Arts" group, or a group in the "Music Dept." be considered a sport anyway. Just my opinion.
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