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Everything posted by itsstephenyo

  1. That's why Area C is a bloodbath! 6 advancing makes it so cutthroat. Also the visual scores kinda mirror what you say. Visual judge consistency was non existent. The music judges were pretty well in line with one another.
  2. I saw the scheduling for prelims, but is there a potential starting time for finals?
  3. Dang, Marcus and Hebron are gonna have a very long day! 7:25AM and 8:25AM call times, plus finals? Ouch.
  4. True, still that's cleaning time instead of warmup/etc
  5. Seems like it's a race right now between TWHS, Carmel, Hebron, and the ever present Avon, too. As always, Hebron's "weak" point is their visual package. They're usually just a tad dirtier visually than their competitors. I'm glad they're not going to BOA SA. I believe a weekend cleaning drill is gonna be better spent for them than trying to 3peat at SA. If they can get clean, they'll be hard to beat.
  6. Bumping this up. Anyone that has made the Indy trip from TX, are there any sightseeing things/noteable restaurants in Indianapolis that y'all would recommend? I'll be up there starting Friday but will be semi-babysitting my niece and nephew so I don't wanna make them sit through 12 hrs of prelims... Any recommendations?
  7. I was hyper confused when looking over the schedule to find that BOA SA was the first weekend in Nov and that State Finals was end of October. Seems like it's a combo case of BOA SA being a bit late in the year and State final being a bit early. I think this competition is also wide open for the win this year. Marcus is coming along super nicely. Rouse took a narrow win over Vandegrift and TWHS is cruising along. Tons of contenders for a win.
  8. Your whole argument is based on the idea of marching band being a professional sport. News flash, it ain't. These are teenagers studying algebra, English, history, chemistry, etc. They don't get paid to do any of this. Hebron is the least well-off of Marcus/FloMo/Hebron. As someone else said, SLC and Coppell are also very well off areas of North TX. If your argument that money is the most important metric for the success of a band, then that alone invalidates your claim. Marcus placed 2nd with minimal props, just stupidly good playing and marching. Is that also because of money? Instead of griping and crying about, "OH THE MONEY!", why don't you just sit back and enjoy the amazing products Texas bands put out year in and year out? We're spoiled here in TX. Every competition in TX is a nationals level competition.
  9. Geez, hate on Hebron a bit more, why don't you?
  10. The circles are portals, I believe. The ballad hit with the circles rotating is the portals opening.
  11. Craziest thing is that Marcus, FloMo, and Hebron all had to sweep captions at BOA SA in order to win State. So basically to double up, you literally have to be the absolute best. Also, I petition the SA double to be called the "Meep-Meep"
  12. How many bands have won BOA SA and State in the same year
  13. Super duper brutal. I know it'll never happen, but I wanna see a GN Finals with all TX bands lol.... Oh wait, that's just called BOA San Antonio. I just about fell outta my chair when they announced Castle in finals cuz it left me with a glimmer of hope that Hendrickson would make it in!
  14. I'm hopping on the Mason train for tonight, either them or Tarpon.
  15. Goodness, look at that top 6. Going to be a bloodbath for the winner, especially given the mixed captions.
  16. I believe the timing rules are different for finals. I know Hebron's show actually ran a tad bit over 8min; thus, they typically started the show slightly before the actual designated start time, but they didn't have to do so in finals.
  17. I wanna say it felt like that, too. I didn't attend the SMBC finals but at Super Regionals, TWHS, Reagan, Hebron, Vandegrift, and Vista were kind of a cut above the rest.
  18. They used "waves" to portray the show idea, radio waves, water waves, etc. Odyssey FM was like a radio station, and the ships referred to the greek/roman story of The Odyssey.
  19. Early 2000's LD Bell were gods. I remember being completely amazed by Stephen F. Austin's drumline and hornline in 03/04 or something down in San Antonio, the same year when they medaled at BOA and then got like 27th or something at SMBC.
  20. Wow, amazing work! It really puts into perspective how heartbreaking it must have been to be Hebron for years and years and years, always the bridesmaid until Penstriped. For them to succeed at both the UIL and BOA level for the last decade speaks to how well taught they are. Also interesting how they're the first band to win BOA SA without winning GE. FloMo was on another level from 2015-2018. Does anyone remember what happened in 2017 that saw them take a dip in results? Looking at Vandegrift's 2019 season, good lord that band was astonishing that year. That show was incredible. Marcus murdered everyone in 2012 lol Reagan are the gods of Visual/GE. Very cool to see that Prelims champ only won 6/10 times. What a competitive event. So many "What-ifs?" What if FloMo went to Nats in 2016, what if Reagan went in 2019, what if Hebron went in 2021, what if CTJ had gone in 2017. We're spoiled here in TX.
  21. "Judges Preference" basically go head to head and see how many judges scored one hand better than the other. Bandy won the tie break 5 judges to 2
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