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Everything posted by itsstephenyo

  1. I really think allstater09 goes to Hebron. Every post he/she puts just praises Hebron to no end. And yea, Hebron's show wasn't complete at ToC. They've still got a ways to go with the drill they need to put out. One thing that stood out to me is that their use of props has gone wayyyyy down. Apparently, they're focusing more on marching/playing this year. I see their show this year as a platform to build on for State next year.
  2. Wow, if you had to choose only one prelims group to watch at Arlingtonn, this would DEFINITELY be the one to watch. All of these bands are potential finalists. Leander H.S., TX 12:45 Martin H.S., TX 1:00 Connally H.S., TX 1:15 Berkner H.S., TX 1:30 Hebron H.S., TX 1:45 Ronald Reagan H.S., TX 2:00 Richland H.S., TX 2:15 That's just insane.
  3. I completely forgot about the band world for a while... Nice to see my alma mater doing well at this competition. I saw them the night before at Homecoming. Definitely a different show than Hebron's past years. I like that they focus more on marching and playing this year. They've still got a ways to go.
  4. Left 4 Dead, anybody? Game is so BA.
  5. I don't think there's ever been a tie for first place.
  6. Alright! Some good things this year. Centerville finally breaking their streak of being one spot out of finals. Lafayette makes finals in its first GN appearance (I believe). Marian Catholic back in the top 5. Avon winning its first eagle. But Bell got second...
  7. Wow, Lafayette made finals?! When's the last time a band from Louisiana made finals? Edit: Anybody in the BOA chatroom on AIM? There usually is one but I can't figure out what it's called. Who wants to invite me??? Same SN as my username.
  8. I tried a search and couldn't really find anything. Can anybody tell me Bell's musical selections this year?
  9. If you go to this person's youtube account, you can see Hebron's 2008 show, Watched. http://www.youtube.com/user/nerdyapples
  10. What the heck is up with all these stupid, snide comments bashing bands? Just stop it. Freakin' stop it. Edit: Nvm. Good work, bluebell. Good work.
  11. tamilou... you really should calm down with some of the things you're saying. You've been on the forums for two weeks. You have four posts, and in three of them you've either super-hyped your own band, bashed another band, or called somebody dumb. Now, I have great respect for the Cedar Park program, but you're really not representing your band very well.
  12. Yes, but you're talking about a change from prelims to finals. Different performances and different settings. How many times have you seen a band score a 90 in prelims and then get like an 82 in finals? You can't compare a prelims score from two days prior to finalists bands. The UIL inconsistencies stem from having three separate judges judging the same criteria. BOA doesn't have that, except for the Music GE portion. Each judge has a particular thing to judge. Individual marching, playing, whatever. But the point is, the judges' sheets don't really overlap very much.
  13. Marcus 1 1 2 2 2 8 LD Bell 3 2 10 5 1 21 Coppell 2 8 6 3 4 23 Cedar Park 5 6 7 4 3 25 Bowie 6 3 8 1 8 26 Duncanville 4 10 1 6 6 27 Richland 7 5 3 8 5 28 Churchill 8 4 5 10 10 37 Westlake 10 7 4 9 9 39 Hebron 9 9 9 7 7 41 I'm so happy Hebron made its first ever state finals! Oh, and the judging at finals was terrible. Bell with a 10, 3, 2. Duncanville, a 10, 1. Coppell with a 2, 8. That's just ridiculous.
  14. I just noticed that Hebron and SFA tied in score during prelims. SFA got the higher spot due to a higher GE score, though.
  15. I think he was there. In the first part of this multipart review, he says something about the Alamodome's terrible food.
  16. Will you posting full reviews like you usually do? Or at least post your personal scores so that we could see? Pretty please???
  17. No, you're not the only one... I wish it were back up.
  18. Yea, I was hoping for a top 5 Hebron finish, too... Still, congrats to all bands!
  19. There was more than just one band doing Soulja Boy last year. I thought it was tacky as heck. Didn't like it at all.
  20. These days, my job as an RA on campus takes up most of my time. I play a lot of tennis and indoor soccer now, as well as a lot of intramurals. I've barely touched my saxophone, although I whip it out occasionally when I'm feeling nostalgic. Oh, and I've been playing Halo 3 like a madman. No joke, my buds and I just got through with a 5 hour session... and it's 5am. This is probably the fifth 5+ hour session in a week and a half. And I've also finished Gears of War 2 thanks to a certain anonymous person who does not have a modded xbox and does not have pirated games...
  21. I was quite sad I couldn't come out tonight. Had a birthday party to come to. I think I MIGHT make the drive down to SA for Super Regionals... I haven't seen any bands this year...
  22. Ruthless indeed, although it seems like the top 5 kinda have a stranglehold on the Area. Marcus, Bell, Richland, Hebron, and Haltom kinda dominate the area. Mansfield is knocking on their heels, though.
  23. Yea, there's no perfect system (although I'm a huge BOA fan). UIL is certainly flaws, but BOA isn't perfect either. Ok, back on topic, does anyone have the judge's sheets from Finals? I wanna see how the scores turned out.
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