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Everything posted by itsstephenyo

  1. I know that when I was in band, my director used to split up the trumpet parts so that everybody gets a chance to play the higher parts. He partitioned it out to where it was pretty even across the board, not like you have all strong players on first part and all weak players on 4th. He'd sometimes put the second chair person on fourth, third chair person on third, etc... to make it even. I personally wouldn't complain about that. The director is just doing what he thinks is best for the piece as a whole.
  2. My family's Thanksgiving parties are always awesome. TONS of food, usually enough to feed 50-60 people. This year was toned down a little bit though, and only had about 20 people. After dinner and the Cowboys game, all the kidshead out to Main Event for some bowling and laser tag. I suck at bowling. We OWNED at laser tag, though. Nine of my family against nine other random people who signed up. It was no contest. Final score was 143000 to 83000. I had high score on player tags. Then, of course, we all come home and eat again. Great finish to a great Thanksgiving.
  3. Awesome! I have a niece and a nephew, and man, I love those kids. Yea, you can bet your butt I spoil the crap outta them.
  4. Had to specify which Grand Prairie. I know a few people from SGP.
  5. Michael, I laughed at that picture. Hard. I am also at work right now. Oh well.
  6. We will. Just like Indiana bands will keep winning the Visual caption.
  7. There was a link to Youtube, but it's a stolen copy of the BOA on-demand video so the moderators took the link off.
  8. NOBODY watched this? NOBODY thought it was funny? Y'all must be some machines then. Jerks. I put that tongue one because they don't have an angry version of the tongue thing. Just imagine he's angry and not smiling. And sticking his tongue out at you. In anger.
  9. Is in disbelief. I actually laughed, though. I looked like an idiot sitting outside of class and just randomly laughing. Oh well.
  10. It does... I promise. Or maybe not. Can you imagine average 222 sets in a show? Haha ridiculous.
  11. Wait, there's an "easy drill bandwagon for Marcus?" SIGN ME UP!!! I WANNA JOIN!!! ME ME ME!!! /end sarcasm Yea, their drill this year wasn't nearly as difficult as other bands' drill. It was awesome, had great general effect and was incredibly clean, but a lot of the time I saw them barely moving while they marched. Sure, their incredibly difficult musical book causes the drill to be harder, but it doesn't change the fact that, ON PAPER, it's nowhere near as difficult as Westfield's or Avon's or Bell's. That being said, their show was possibly my favorite of the year. It would've been, had LD Bell's GN Finals performance been so utterly BA. Seriously, the timing was perfect. "And the LD Bell Blue Raider Band!" *Half time Pan's Labyrinth theme immediately* aw, too freakin' sweet.
  12. Added me to facebook friends. radchad, did you call me a female? Notice the sn is itsSTEPHENyo. I know of no ladies named Stephen.
  13. You mean the little mandrake root thingy? That movie definitely was not what I had originally expected. I thought it was going to be all innocent and everything, so I kept wondering about the R rating until I saw it. Awesome movie, though.
  14. Awesome video combining Fresh Prince of Bel Air and Halo 3. I laughed hard.
  15. Hm, I didn't read any sort of negative comments in your original post. It sounded like just one big compliment. Even if it was wrong information, you didn't write it with the intention of giving bad information. Your thoughts were completely justified. And I'm sure Ms. Drinkwater has been there for longer than two years. She became Marcus' director when I was a junior, which would be about four years ago, after the original head director resigned. At least that's what I remember happening.
  16. Has stalker tendencies. Yea, you kinda freaked me out there for a second. hahha
  17. Awesome stuff, mbui. My sister is good friends with Sarah Doiron's brother, who also marched in Bell, albeit several years ago. You didn't happen to try and score it, did you?
  18. I don't see how a band can march over 100 sets. Heck, Marian Catholic back in the 80's and 90's when they consistently WON Grand Nats averaged around 100 sets, although that was usually for a 10-11 minute show. And now we have bands with 130+ sets in a less than 8 minute show. No wonder no TX band has won the visual caption at GN. Just too many sets. Edit: Whoops. Typo.
  19. Wow, up already. Too bad he had to fastforward through the introduction. That part is so incredible. The timing is so perfect. Announcer finishes and *BAM* huge chords from Bell. AHHH *chills*
  20. Self proclaimed roach. Yuck Hawkeye, as of this post, you have 77 total posts and your member number is 777. That's pretty awesome.
  21. Admittedly, I don't think I saw ANY 4A bands this year. The only contests I went to were Birdville, Arlington, and SA. I followed Hebron around the whole time at Birdville, so I only really watched them and Marcus.
  22. You have forever tainted this thread. Leave, and never return. Just kidding! Seriously, though. You suck.
  23. All right. Grand Nats is over. Marching band for 2007 is over (competitively, at least.) Which shows were your favorites? Here are mine. LD Bell: TRANSCENDents. The introduction at GN was SO PERFECT. I just keep watching that section over and over. Chills every time. Incredible. Churchill: Letters Home. Wow, tearjerker. Means more to me because my dad served during the Vietnam war. Richland: iShow. I'm not usually a fan of Richland shows. But Halo was just way too awesome. Ayala: (don't know the show title) I was sad to see this band not in finals. The marimba play was freakin' incredible. Marcus: Botanika. What's not to like? Yea, the drill was a little easy, but the MUSIC was perfect. Plus, a big ladybug. Awesome.
  24. Thinks he's the king of cool.
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