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Everything posted by treyj

  1. yeah we were really really surprised on our ranking. But i was stoked mansfield got 6th!!! So it wasn't as big of a deal :] props to them
  2. ah yeah our director told us about them today but i ahve no idea which ones. definitely a stacked contest though.
  3. It's common to be depressed if your not then you didn't care about what you were pouring your heart into. But don't call it a waste of time. Can you honestly say you didn't get a good experience from it? Heck we went to area saturday fully expecting to be in finals contending for a top 5 spot. Even after our prelims performance we were sure we secured a spot. Well we ended up getting 22nd down from getting 6th two years earlier. After our band was cut in half with the opening of Legacy. Was I upset and depressed? Heck yeah, but take it as it is. This has been my best year in band ever I've gained so many experiences and we've overcome so many obstacles and proven people wrong.. And we still have a contest left to do just that. so cherish the experience!! "A failu​re is a man who has blundered and is not capab​le of cashi​ng in on the exper​ience​.​" -hubbard
  4. Did anyone at this contest do their own rankings or placements? I'm curious to see how different they are. I saw someone doing that in the stands, and from what I saw they had some interesting rankings.
  5. so im definitely more excited than ever for this contest..... ha
  6. I still can't quite grasp the fact that we placed 22nd. And I'm not trying to be a sore loser. I applaud the bands who made finals. But really 22nd? I watched the video of the performance and I really did not see a 22nd place performance. Some of the bands that high up there. Some of it was just a joke. congrats state bands!!!
  7. 3 music and 2 visual correct?
  8. Don't fly past anyone, lol. Anything can happen on any given day. And i'm sure every band has been working just as hard towards the same goal. It's all about how you perform SATURDAY. Previous awards and contest do not matter one bit.
  9. looks like 5 will advance :]
  10. The metronome is a crutch, the sooner you are off it the better. I know we have NEVER used a metronome at a football game. And quite frankly i'd be embarrassed if we did.
  11. oh well odd that they drew for a performance slot in the 2008 area b marching contest lol
  12. wait there are 30 bands http://www.uilforms.com/regions/2/AREA%20M...mOrder-3A5A.pdf granbury is still 5a
  13. ohhhh haha well that is news to me! oh well makes the contest that much more fun! and intense
  14. don't they take 1 for every five bands there? so if 30 band received a I rating then 6 bands advance, no?
  15. uh i hope they take 6! lol
  16. I saw Arlington High School last night and Arlington Lamar the previous week. Lamar's show was REALY weird, based off of edgar allen poe or something. Arlington's was called city of angels. It was okay but the music and drill weren't really flowing together.
  17. The HEB Marching Contest 2008 Adjudication Panel: Tom Bennett............................University of Houston Paula Crider..........University of Texas Professor Emeritus Bobby Francis...........................Texas Christian University Donald Hill......................ASCAP Composer, Los Angeles, CA Lorenzo Medrano...Visual Designer/Consultant & Actor, Chicago, IL
  18. I would hate that. After so many hours you just can't get much done. No matter how good at rehearsing you are.
  19. we rehearse during the school day 1 1/2 hrs then 2 hrs after school mon-thur i though it was common the majority of school around here do it. although school day rehearsals are rarely marching band oriented
  20. yeah we have that dumb A/B block but band is "double blocked" so it is 1 1/2 hrs everyday. :]
  21. umm new macbooks announced today. GODLY SEXY i'm am selling my macbook and getting one. like now.
  22. yeah TOs replacement TO has still got a few years left in him though :] and they say romo may be back earlier. we will be okay
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