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  1. Why does L.D. Bell sometimes have some letters capitalized and some not: the Remaining TRANSCENDents ConVergence
  2. That is interesting. Will Cartwright still be there? He is not on the email link on L.D. Bell website Also what about Mike blade at marcus. Will he still be the guard instructor because on their website he is not listed anymore.
  3. Does any one know your bands complete roster. I would also like the instrumentation for the Marcus High School Marching Band. i know they had 11 tubas this marching season but i would like to know the rest. and who are the guys in the gray suits
  4. Okay so we hear the music and we see the show. So question is: how do they do it. If anyone has information on L.D. Bell drills or have some i would LOVE to see them same with Marcus and other state appearance bands. or any band
  5. What is that picture from it looks just like the prop we are talking about, but what does that one mean????????
  6. hey what is the star thing they use as their main prop what is it
  7. Well I know that file sharing is illegal i was just wondering if there are CD's that i can buy. I have the BOA and UIL DVD's but i want the music not the dvd
  8. Does anyone have any audio recordings of Marcus that i can put on my ipod
  9. So what should i do with this show
  10. what theatrical theme could you put for that show. I am using ConVergence for my own fantasy band and I want a big theatrical performance. What could i do
  11. Okay L.D. Bell has always put on a fantastic show. One show that I have listened to is "ConVergence: Five Works" by Samuel Barber. I was wondering if anyone knows what this show was about. What was the theatrical interpretation of this show. Like in The Quest it was about a journey.DUH. I would like to know what the meaning of this show and past shows that Bell has done.
  12. Yeah they are cool there just like us but their program is different
  13. Yeah and their director is awesome i got to meet them they are so good
  14. Oh ok but still their show is so professional
  15. Well depends on where you want to go with it. Meaning you could have music by bach and the show could be about war. So depends on how deep you want your show to be
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