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Posts posted by NPSHvet

  1. This year there were more mature drumlines than ive seen in a long time,

    from what IVE seen heres my list.

    [warning, do not be hurt if i do not include you-this is just from whom ive seen this season]


    1. Churchill

    2. Spring

    3. Round Rock

    4. Cedar Park

    5. Colleyville Heritage

    6. Marcus

    7. i BELIEVE im thinking of KELLER.

    8. Georgetown

    9. Bowie

    10. Klien Forest


    But for the most part i was pretty impressed with the drumlines overall,

    the standard for highschool drumlines are rising for sure-

    i was highly enthused.

  2. I was blown away with most of the shows that night, but my overall favorites had to be:


    1. Spring: if you missed it, it was a crowd pleaser for sure. They had a clarinet soloist who did outstanding, and a smokin drumline, and a guard that gave me chills- not to mention a trumpet section that blew my face off. Oh and they walked off without even paying attention to the crowd. magnificent.

    2. Cedar Park: fast and in your face. this had me goin the whole show. i didnt want the show to end, although the woodwinds were entirely beautiful, the brass blew the house down along with a jammin drumline. Fantastic confidence and precision.


    Now, i agree with the rankings- because although i didnt enjoy ld bell/ marcus's show as much, they played beautifully and sold their entire show completely maturely handled along with their overall package- they delivered a heck of a sound and cant wait for GN finals. I think this was the best BOA regionals since 2003.

  3. I tech'd an Ohio Front ensemble about 4 years ago and their pit was the star of their show. It was really a good stance for the 'PIT' image, and half of them could play snare/teners just as well as the kids on drumline could. Their book was hard as heck and they had chops to play it. So its not at all, from my experience, where the 'un-talented' kids go.

  4. I know that there have been quite a few competitions already completed, and i just recently attended BOA Houston and saw some pretty good books. I just wanted to hear some imput on drumlines you saw or how your drumlines played (no ragging please-just positive feeback).

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