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Everything posted by Malletguy22

  1. so they did what they did at boa? but with the band walking off?
  2. this was an addition? did they still do that triangle set at the end?
  3. this was a quote from the other gn forum, but what exactly did they do? did they walk off without an ending?? thanks
  4. I know some have probably asked this already, but did any review/ make up their own score sheet for the contest? I read over all of the BOA reviews, and liked that there was info on all of em, any chance anyone did this for UIL? Thanks!
  5. thanks, i unsubscribed then resubscribed and it works now thanks a lott!
  6. thinks that facebook is cooler than gayspace, because myspace IS g@y..... lol
  7. im not really to sure WHERE i heard this, but its stuck with me for a few days..... i heard that the little girl watches her soul being taken from her, right before she dies..... i might've just heard this from someone who didn't know, but that's what i last heard..... lol
  8. lol, it sure made mine when i figured it out! ur welcome and uhmmmmmm for pc's i dunno..... lol
  9. uhmmm, do u have a mac or pc? i have a mac, so im not sure what u would use for pc, but google something like: flv converter for itunes or something like that..... or u might be able to download the flv converter on the conversion site...? not sure and for any other conversions, just google it (that's how i found this one) i know there's loads for google video, youtube, myspace, etc...
  10. o woops, i forgot about the after the downloading part..... uhmmm, is it for ur iPod or just to watch on your computer?
  11. hope i dont get in trouble for this..... http://mytube.kuso.cc/~kuso/youtube/ - converter video - uhmmm..... search for it..... you'll most definantely find it.....
  12. of course! how else do u think i have..... 19..... videos of different bands on my iPod?? loll
  13. well, wouldn't the copyright issue come into play?? (same reason there isn't a "media" section, like there used to be.....) Skramp's II anyone?? loll although i wish it would come back.....
  14. definanetly sisd!
  15. although getting a 1st place would be amazing, i sometimes think that doing my best & getting a HUGE reaction from the crowd would be the awesome!
  16. i like reagan's (minus the collar)..... and westfield's old uniforms..... i always like there to be white in the uniform..... im not sure why (and im sure its harder to keep clean) but it just makes it look..... cool..... and to POP lol and i like the uniforms that are one color on one side, and another on the back. Like westfields (maroon & red'ish on the front) and black on the back, so they can do a nice visual where the band turns around & their a different color..... sidenote: -spring gets new uniforms next year!-
  17. wow, that's like the most creative thing i've heard of..... lol how'd it work out?
  18. -first paragraph: guh! exactly!! i was thinking that, but just couldn't rite it downn! -second paragraph: oh geez..... that brings up some fun stories..... lol quick one: we just performed pre-lims at the lonestar contest (the woodlands hs) and if anyone knows about the "hill" that you have to get up, then you'll know just how hard it is. and our trailer was in the farthest away parking area anyone ever could've dreamed up. when i finally got there, i locked the brakes on my marimba and almost fell over. lol..... now back to topic... lol
  19. well ive been told (by directors, and even mirrors (or whatever your school calls em)) that how much we play, and how fast we play, and how many mallets we "stick in our hands" makes up for not marching loll and i dunno y, but it didn't make since to me..... lol
  20. lol, i had to read it over like 5 times, just to make sure..... but what do u mean "they may do less.." ?? just curious.
  21. yes i admit that it is physically demanding, but think about this... the pit stays (for the most part) in one spot. they are in the front, and MUST look good. the band has visuals, but the pit is in the same spot the entire show. Usually, (excluding the colorguard) we have the most connection with the crowd. i hope i didn't word this wrong.....
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