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Everything posted by TXBandNerd07

  1. Reagan... i think SA bands (paricularly RR and WC) have some of the nicest band kids! i say postive things about SA bands. lol.. cuz im just that cool
  2. ok.. the main point of this NOW shouldnt be if it's offensive but the fact that WHY would you continue to let your child march the rest of the season when you and your kid are disturbed by it AND THEN say something AFTER state. i mean how stupid is that? who in their right mind does that?? if you found it offensive then you should've done something.. oh i dunno, AT THE BEGINNING of the season? god.. and yea, to apologize is basically like saying "sorry we were participating in something we enjoy doing and are good at." i still dont get why a PARENT would wait until after the season's over. do they realize that, ok so you might have the mental institutions on your side but YOU look like the mental one since no one can figure out why a parent would let their child participate in something that the child nor the parents were comfortable with and then complain when they arent marching the show anymore... they are making a big deal over nothing.
  3. yea seriously. if they were so "offended" then why the heck to continue to be apart of it. and like you said, what parent allows their kid to be a part of something they're not comfortable. this just doesnt add up. again. why wait until after the seasons over to complain. they're not going to march again so why bring it up at that point?
  4. and see the thing is, you KNOW the district or the school admin would be the first people to be like "hey, this could be offensive" because they try to avoid situations like this... ugh.. this is dumb.
  5. so. you're saying that someone waited pretty much the WHOLE ENTIRE season to complain about the show??? all the opportunities and they wait until the season's over to say something?? is that what you're saying?
  6. well. ya.. theres a reason for the similarity between the two. its really aggravating to me
  7. i know. i was bummed. it was a great show but... i was disappointed to not see a secret ending.. oh well. i liked how BA and Bell went next to each other so you can compare the alikeness of some visual stuff.. of course we know why their visual stuff is alike... any one reconize the BA guard girls reaching out at the end of the show?? can you saw "the remaining"? lol
  8. state was 2 weeks ago.. why is this still up??
  9. lol omg! thank you! i was like walking around my house complaining about how no one had the times. lol. yay! i love you! lol
  10. I still don't know how this performance promotes the statement that all mentally ill people need to be in strait jackets and locked up. People have such a need to pick anything apart and take something out of context to draw attention to themselves. But lots of times they bring even more attention to something that would've otherwise faded away and make themselves look ridiculous. Of course, this show will never be played again, marching season is done, duh. ok see. im sure someone would complain even if they didnt have the straight jackets. if they were running around with their hair a mess and running around like a bunch of idiots someone would complain saying that the should is stating that mentally ill people run around acting crazy with their hair a mess. they're going to find something wrong with it. its stupid. and even if its thought that the shows promoting the statement that mentally ill people need jackets, why not complain all the movies and shows that "make that statement"too. the band isnt even implying anything that people dont already think when you talk about someone being mentally ill or in a mental institution. these are kids. just marching a show. and why bring this up now?? if its so offensive then why not, oh i dont know, DONT WATCH IT?? we see offensive things everyday but not everyone complains and tries to get in the paper about it. some of us are actually mature enough to... well... MOVE ON. blow it off. they needs to get over themselves and leave it alone. its not physically hurting anyone. and its not like the mentally ill even know whats going on. ok. my rant is done. lol sorry..
  11. thank you! thats what i said ealier! its not like these kids are thinking "hey this could be offensive" they're thinking "hey we need to do good this yr and learn this show!" or something related to that. thats dumb this guy is picking on a bunch of kids over something that they really didnt have any control over. i mean if any one should apologize it would the the director but the whole thing is outrageous anyway. some one has way too much time on their hands to decide the show is "offensive" ugh people frustrate me. just enjoy the show. dont go picking it apart.
  12. so... How bout them prelims???
  13. man.. someone's always gotta complain about something.. and always claim that "their offended" i mean seriously?? its a high school marching show. and why should the KIDS apologize when they're just given the music and drill and just performing the show. do you think the kids actually think "hey, this could be offensive" uh no? they just wanna learn the show and compete... ugh.. so dumb.they dont have anything else to do than to complain about a show... i like their show this yr.
  14. lol your "?" it's Dobyns-Bennett. lol for future reference
  15. ok. see i thought you get a deduction for walking off the field. but at BOA SA they didnt get a deduction. so im a lil confused about that.
  16. lol you can get on any topic you like... but im tired of reading about the crockett deal. thats all
  17. AH! SH! no more of that subject! nats have started people! lets talk about that since it IS what this forum is suppose to be about!!!!
  18. haha well i cant either. except today because i was off work. and ninja skills? i havent seen anything THAT interesting from you..
  19. dude. i said that already. golly gee whiz you're behind the times. lol
  20. lol i saw it happen! i didnt need to relive the details... but yea.. i agree about the morbid artistic tastes.. are you happy with your life?? lol kidding
  21. lol and thats great because i dont want to talk about it and i dont want to hear about it and i think people should just drop the subject on all 3 threads. lets talk INDY PEOPLE!!
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