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Everything posted by Band_Person

  1. It all started with JRIADA...
  2. National Emblem by Edwin Eugene.
  3. The schedule is here: http://ldbellband.org/hebmarchingcontest/2014%20HEB%20Marching%20Contest%20Schedule.pdf
  4. It said 2015 last night, before I made my post.
  5. The State Marching Band Contest was first held in 1983. Congratulations to Duncanville for making their first appearance 4 years before the first SMC took place.
  6. UT Arlington has been hosting that regional for 10 years...
  7. They will be 1st or 2nd through 2012. 2000 through 2012 = 12 years.
  8. The profile has a graduation date of 2014. All current Bell students would graduate by 2013. Whoever that is doesn't realize that Bell is a 3 year high school.
  9. It was a tie in music ordinals. L.D. Bell won in marching ordinals.
  10. The rule only applies to naming the state champion, for determining advancement from area to state, or advancement to area finals. It does not apply to determining the rankings at the area contest. http://www.uil.utexas.edu/music/scoring_procedure.html
  11. In response to this review that proclaims without basis of knowledge that Bell is stationary too long... here are the facts: There are 300 performers on the field, there are 9 minuets and 45 seconds of production to be presented, and there are 130 sets... with 2 minutes still to go. It would seem to me that a group standing still in a show of this length would not be able to present this quantity of visual product. Further and more importantly, lets discuss the split focus and textural variety that is being presented by all elements of this 300 member organization at any given minute of this epic production. I have one response... ridiculous. My review is that this is one of the best crafted and soon to be best performed productions to ever grace a football field.
  12. UIL is not a government organization. It is a "voluntary-membership, non-profit organization" founded in 1909. http://www.uil.utexas.edu/about.html
  13. Yes, I have heard them on several occasions. They are excellent.
  14. Marching bands pre-date football. Military marching bands even pre-date the United States of America. The military marched on drill fields to the music of marching bands. Drum lines/fife and drum corps/drum and bugle corps led soldiers into battle along with the Color Guard who carried the national flag and the battalion flag. We still retain the terms "Drum Line" and Color Guard" today. Football began as a pass time for military troops and was played on the drill field. If anything, football owes it's existence to marching, not the other way around.
  15. Ask Ms. Drinkwater. She was a judge at the HEB Contest. Be sure to tell her what you have been posting on here, too. She may be very interested to hear how you have been representing your organization on a public forum.
  16. LD Bell 2006 - "The Remaining" Spring 1993 - "The Music Of Paul Hindemith" Ronald Reagan 2003 - "Beyond Perimeters" L.D. Bell 2004 - "Blue"
  17. UTA is a state school with an enrollment of around 19,000 students. TCU is a private university with an enrollment of less than 9,000.
  18. Performing bands are only required to secure the rights to arrange/perform the composer's material. The venders (1-800 Video Express/Mr. Video) are required to secure the rights to record and distribute the performances. Evidently 1-800 Video Express did not do this properly and they were sued.
  19. There are 2 UIL state champion football teams every year. There is only 1 state marching band champion every 2 years. Since there are 4 times as many football championship winners it is easier to win a football championship than a marching band championship.
  20. The site was chosen by the Executive Secretaries from the regions. The directors had no say in it. Also, "taking it up" with my director would do no good, since he retired many years ago.
  21. I am sure that all of the bands who had to perform with noise from jets flying overhead, train whistles from the train tracks near bye, trash trucks, and the metronomes of bands warming up in the parking lot found it very funny. UIL should be very proud for choosing such a fine venue to host an area contest.
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