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Everything posted by apachedan

  1. 2nd out of 37 trumpets at the first round, 4th chair symphonic in the second round. On to area!
  2. Depends. Carolina Crown=big, beautiful, dark brass of unrelenting volume. They never fail to melt faces. Blue Devils=flawless execution and blend of sound, and great trumpet section. They always have a good wailer. Cavaliers=always energetic shows that you don't have to watch three times before you start throwing babies. My top five in random order would probably be Crown, BD, Cavaliers, Madison, SCV.
  3. Also, huge congraddulations to Vandy and Lake Travis for an excellent first showing at state. Our band is very proud of y'all. Having all of the area D bands in finals was awesome.
  4. I don't think he/she meant this to be inflammatory. Believe me, we're very proud of getting 2nd at what probably was one of, if not THE most competitive 4A state competitions ever. We had a blast performing our show this year and are glad we got to do it in the dome. Cedar Park had an amazing show in prelims and finals. They deserved the title. We're glad we could be even that close in competition to them.
  5. An ineligible student, who was not technically a member of the band and thus did not show up on the computer-generated list of ineligible students that the directors saw, operated the sound board for Poteet at region. Although they were allowed to compete at area, they have to appeal to a board of UIL officials on Monday, who will give a ruling on whether or not they advance to state. (Correct me if I'm wrong)
  6. I've gotta say this is probably the best I've ever seen the Lake Travis band. They are seriously clean for this early in the season. I predict they'll be a force to reckon with in area D.
  7. Trumpets
  8. So how good are Yamaha's Xeno line of trumpets? I've heard from some that they're as good as or better than Bach Strads. I currently play on a Strad (late 80's model, definitely shows its age) and am wondering if I should try out the Xeno. Which do you think is better?
  9. "Russian Christmas Music" is my favorite out of the pieces I've played. The last two minutes are just epic and the whole thing sends chills down my spine. As does most of Russia's music. I've enjoyed "Postcard" by Ticheli. It's just ridiculous in terms of time signature changes, but once you get the "groove" down it's actually pretty fun/intense to play. There's a lot of cool sound effect type stuff in the music, so it's not exactly lyrical sounding. But it's cool nonetheless. "Esprit De Corps" is just awesome. Especially if you play trumpet.
  10. So...any news? Phantom's doing Juliet, Cadets are playing "Angels in the Architecture", SCV is doing "The Devil's Staircase" and I've heard rumors on Crown's show having Rachmaninoff in it, which if true would make my year Any one know of any other corps' shows?
  11. Tanks everyone for your kind words! Good luck to those at state, can't wait to see y'all from the home side of the stands tomorrow!
  12. Can someone tell me the ticket fee?
  13. Here's the prelims schedule. http://www.shsu.edu/~music/files/events/ma...s2010public.pdf
  14. Mahler, Rachmaninoff, AND Respighi? Sounds delicious ! Too bad we won't get to see y'all at Westlake though...
  15. Wuzzup, I go to Dripping Springs. 6th chair, top band Trumpet: Late 90's bach silver TR300 (the valves SUCK) Mouthpiece: Marcinkiewicz signature E3/3C Top note: I can hit up to a D or E above the staff on most days, the highest note I've ever gotten is a G above the staff. Lowest note is a pedal G.
  17. Just to start off here's a video of Dripping in state finals: And the finals award ceremony (abbreviated): Any other schools?
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