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Everything posted by trumPITplayer

  1. i wish they hadnt taken off the youtube vid...anyone have it and want to email it to me? so anywho...while i personally havent seen the show. the theme is a sensitive subject. and as a psych major i believe that it should be treated as such. but i dont really think the media handled it very well. they could have informed the churchill band directors for one... the straight jacket thing (that again, i havent seen) might have been one of the main issues that people found 'offensive' and while it is a common misconception about the mentally ill.... people are forgetting one thing.... this is band. its art. it shouldnt be seen as poking fun at 'the crazies' but thats just my opinion..
  2. good job! snaps for dan! lol.
  3. dan, you forgot our newest percussion instructor.... jim ragsdale
  4. thats about right.... but i think you have to show them the bands accomplishments, we sent in a portfolio of everything that we had done...in the last couple of years (5 yrs i think...) ..our band parents made it look really cool....
  5. well its more like the old shop class, well building-garage thing....i dont really know what it is...
  6. we(pit) practiced outside like once....but we stopped....because since we have soo much equipment it took half the class period or longer to move everything....but i didnt complain...our drum building has a/c
  7. parades are ok....we are doing the battle of flowers parade this yr...i think and we did the rose bowl parade.
  8. whats friendster?? i have a myspace
  9. san antonio alamodome thing?? hmm....why dont i know anything about this...i live here! lol
  10. maybe i just like promark because of mike stevens.
  11. hmm....i will post the rest of the band directors later...but our new percussion guy(jim ragsdale), was with SCV i dont know what years.... and brian hildreth does the visual or something like that for bluecoats i'll post the rest tomorrow when i actually know the years and everything
  12. awesome! i think i have some WC cadences on a cd somewhere...i will see if i can find it
  13. im getting used to vic firth...but i still like promark. like the stevens sticks for tenors....those are pretty awesome. i like the mallets better too maybe someday i will learn to love vic firth
  14. yeah, we did that too. only no1 wanted to quit for that reason
  15. thats a good idea.
  16. no. but i had everything but the turkey. so i was all set.
  17. you are soooo lucky. they had a concert in austin but unfortunately we had BOA....so i couldnt go i think more texans have heard of death cab....actually no...maybe like10 at my school...lol....oh well all i can say is that im IN LOVE with them everyone should on this forum should go and listen to death cab for cutie right now. (in honor of our marching band show) DO IT.
  18. who else is excited about RENT tomorrow?!?! i cant wait!
  19. ouch. that hurts. the PIT are people too.
  20. thats a pretty cool idea. kinda like section of the week. i vote for PIT! lol
  21. i liked cedric better
  22. its good......ok its really good. no. its FAMAZING. lol
  23. cuz im a loser. jk. go to http://jcruel.com/ its a vegetarian activist thing. lol
  24. i get to catch up on all the sleep i missed since marching season started. lol. even though marching season has been over for a while i havent gotten a chance to sleep cuz of school. oh ...and i get to go to a j.crew protest on friday! yay! lol thursday and friday are going to be highlight of my week. cuz i have no life outside of band.
  25. soul meets body-death cab for cutie i <3 them!
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