What? Plenty of bands take cuts of songs and put it in their show. We don't have to play the whole peice of music before we announce that it's in our show. "And what does not giving the composers their respective credit have to due with this conversation?" No. What I'm saying is, whether it be 'a couple of measures' as you claim, or the whole peice of music, it was still in our show.... so... we're going to annouce that it's in our show. You're not supposed to just play a melody from a song and then act as if you didn't at all.
I'm done with conversation.
You're saying that because we only played pieces of the song, we didn't play it at all? Would you rather us of not given the composer credit of his work? I'm pretty sure that would've been more "wrong".
I agree. Indiana bands have a ton of sets of hashes that confused me throughout our show. "Wait, is that our hash? Wait, wait. Oops." I said in my mind on one set. I think it confuses a lot of out of state bands.
PS2, hands down. Just 'cause it plays all the DDR games, which are my favorite games. Then... I like several Final Fantasys. N64 is my second favorite, though we sold ours a long time ago. All of the good stuff was on that system. Mario 64 (or whatever it was called), The Legend of Zelda... y'know...