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Your thoughts on DCI 2005

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I'm looking forward to seeing how Crown, Boston, and Spirit from JSU do tonight, against the corps who have been competing this past week! I would really like to see the Bluecoats earn a top 5 placement this year, and if things keep going how they are, it could happen! Lots of shake ups this year! Glassmen is just right there, Colts and BK are almost there, its gonna be fun!

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Woah, Cadets are out of the top 5 to both Crown and Bluecoats? ;)


Crown hasn't even competed yet, and you're already making huge assumptions about them. We'll see how they do tonight.


While Bluecoats may be able to squeeze ahead of the Cadets tonight or the tomorrow night, I believe this is due to Cadets having an incomplete show that has TONS of room for development. Once The Cadets get everything out there, I think Bluecoats will be left in the dust. They still have the potential to reach top 5 though.


Oh, and this.

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Aside from SCV, I am pretty excited about seeing the cadets this year. I have never really cared for the cadets programs but this one is just so weird that I might like it. Crown looks interesting, as well as Southwind, and Madison. This looks to be a very different year (corps trying new things) so maybe the placements will end up different.

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Yeah, The Cadets usually do really well. They're strong, consistent, and hardworking, but so far i've never personally seen them do anything to truelly memoriable yet to make me fond of them.

See or listen to Cadets 83-87. Now that's the Cadets I love.

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  • 2 weeks later...

-Good music from the Cadets is back in the Glory Days of Garfield (83-87) All of those shows are superb.

-On the topical note, Phantom is doing real well so far, and I have an mp3 of their show......OH MY GOSH! THIS STUFF IS AWESOME WITH A CAPITAL AWESOME!!! Much better than Appassionada. This is the PR show that'll have me hootn'!

-It's really anyone's game between Cadets, Cavies, (maybe BD, not sure), Madison (feels funny to say that about 8th place on'04), and (hopefully) SCV. I don't think we'll see a real picture of true rankings until San Antonio. Then is when everyone is grittin' it out against each other.


All I can say is, "Good Hunting."

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Tonight and tomarrow night are some of the biggest nights in the drum corps world. I'm with the Madison Scouts and right now I'm on my laptop headed to our practice field. Here at Kalamazoo all the corps are preparing for tough night and also prepared to see what the Blue Devils are going to bring to the table. This is their first performance in the US since the first week of the season. Sal has told us that we can't let them phyic us out. Also Phantom Regiment is here so the Scouts are ready to show them once again who's boss. We already have decided that we can't beat the Cavies and so now we are coming after the Cadets. We aren't too worried about the Blue Devils cuase they'll have sme serious jet lag.


Peace Out!!! B)

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