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because im the best at what i do and wants to do thing his way when his ways are stupid and slow (easy to undestand) and my way is smart and fast( and a little complex)... and he knows im right but he can never be wrong, especially since im more than half his age. hes a punk.


should i stop singing my "i need a raise" song ( to the tune of carrol of the bells) at work????


a mistle toe ( this morning in the band hall i got conned into walking under a mistle toe with some girl, she was pretty cute, anyways good thing my gf wasnt around... dont get all excited though it was just a peck, and yes i told my gf)


does anyone know what a shabooya is?


its somrthing we do on the trumpet bus basicly you mock sombody by pretending you are them and make fun of yourself(if you were them) and its all done to a certain beat and ryhm. kinda like flowing/freestyle...


still havent heard of it???


cuz you didnt study


heres how a shabooya works (its kinda like a short song)


(Everybody says) shaboya, sha sha shabooya roll call!!!

(1st guy) my name is jacob

(everybody) yeah!

(1st guy) i play the trumpet

(everybody) yeah!

(1st guy) and on the weekends

(everybody) yeah!

(1st guy) i like to hump it


then everybody laughs or boos depending on wether the shabooya was good


got that???

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