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Overlooked shows

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saw that show when we were at Area Marching UiL. i was really confused as to how they made it to state. (edited) but yeaa. i was like umm what


stupid names

Well that show looked purdy complex and hard to excute. and they excuted it better then the area bands i saw



lemme guess your in their area and they made it to state and they didnt. no offense

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Well that show looked purdy complex and hard to excute. and they excuted it better then the area bands i saw



lemme guess your in their area and they made it to state and they didnt. no offense

It may have been because he hated the show, which if he did it's understandable why he felt they shouldn't have advanced.

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I am a pretty big fan of that show, but I could see why someone would say that they didn't do that great. At state, you could even see that their drill was dirty, and yet they made finals. I wouldn't go so far as to say they "stunk," but in a sense, it does, at times, seem quite questionable as to how they made it to state in the first place. But that was all two years ago, so why still fret over it? :D

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Reagan 2004:


The visual design and music execution were on higher level than most bands at state that year. Now, their marching was dirty. Had that been fine tuned, they would have been top 5 easily; it is a marching band contest after all. I don't understand how anyone can question the validity of Reagan making state that year. Reagan's execution of their musical books set them apart.


If you look at Reagan over the years, they keep raising the bar higher and higher for themselves and everyone else. It forces everyone else to raise their game, as it were, and we are all better for it.

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No, it was their musical execution that killed them that year.


The music was too hard for them and they were never able to execute it as cleanly as other bands executed their music.


Reagan did not truly become a playing band until 2005.

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thats what i think... it was dirty but come on now yall make it sound like an easy show thats dirty is the same thing as a friggen hard show being dirty and its not. Isnt your shows difficulty a factor that seperates state finalist bands from any ol band. i mean is a band that plays mary had a little lamb perfectly gonna beat someone who plays symphonic metamorphsis alittle dirty.

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I think it's about making whatever you have sound good, well unless it really IS Mary Had A Little Lamb... lol. Well I mean, diffulty is a factor when it comes to state and stuff but why play a show with really hard music and make it sound bad when you can do something you can sound good with. (This is in no way dissing Reagan '04 though. I Love Reagan '04 :wub: ... even if it was a little messy.

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If you want to take the musical books into consideration, I would also like to mention that Universal Expressions was not easy to pull off. Churchill had a fairly difficult musical book and drill as well (I feel not many people appreciate Churchill 2004...they made blind "follow the leader" formations look easy).


I think the show overall was a little out of Reagan's reach (not the whole time, only at certain points) in 2004. I would also agree with the statement that Reagan was not a true playing band until last year, but even so, they performed fairly well at state in 2004. I just think about it and I wonder, despite my love for the show, how Reagan was a state finalist in 2004. At UIL, it's supposed to be about who has the cleanest show with the most demanding music and drill, or something along the lines of that.


That playing Mary Had a Little Lamb comment reminds me of something our director always tells us. Sometimes, if we mess up pretty badly on something, he will make a comment that sounds something like this...

"If this music and drill is too hard for you, we can set up in a block, march the box drill, and play the Bb scale for 5 minutes. That's all you have to do to get a first division!" I don't know why, but I get a crack out of that every time. I just for once want to see a band at a contest marching the box drill and playing a Bb scale.

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If you want to take the musical books into consideration, I would also like to mention that Universal Expressions was not easy to pull off. Churchill had a fairly difficult musical book and drill as well (I feel not many people appreciate Churchill 2004...they made blind "follow the leader" formations look easy).


I think the show overall was a little out of Reagan's reach (not the whole time, only at certain points) in 2004. I would also agree with the statement that Reagan was not a true playing band until last year, but even so, they performed fairly well at state in 2004. I just think about it and I wonder, despite my love for the show, how Reagan was a state finalist in 2004. At UIL, it's supposed to be about who has the cleanest show with the most demanding music and drill, or something along the lines of that.


That playing Mary Had a Little Lamb comment reminds me of something our director always tells us. Sometimes, if we mess up pretty badly on something, he will make a comment that sounds something like this...

"If this music and drill is too hard for you, we can set up in a block, march the box drill, and play the Bb scale for 5 minutes. That's all you have to do to get a first division!" I don't know why, but I get a crack out of that every time. I just for once want to see a band at a contest marching the box drill and playing a Bb scale.

actually thats really true i mean we've fallen apart at a uil region and we still got str8 ones. its just that easy




and about Cedar Park and Churchill... ya there shows did look real hard and fantastic. if i sounded like all the bands but Reagan looked like easy shows im sorry i didnt. i just meant like i went to watch area d that year and i saw some purdy good bands. very well execution but some of the bands shows didnt seem too difficult and they made finals but they didnt advance at state but the bands like Bowie Cedar Park and The Woodlands all did good and had a what looked like a challenging show.

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What shows do you really love, but feel like we never talk about them?  Which shows don't receive quite the adoration that you feel that they deserve?


For me, one show is Westfield 2005--Wake From Your Sleep.  I really enjoyed this show.  It had all kinds of neat stuff ...high velocity, difficult drill, nice woodwind runs, an interesting concept, a gorgeous flute solo, and an absolutely stellar drumline.  The show was very intense, but the choreography and interesting music choices kept it very audience friendly.  The run around and fall-down ending while the drumline just plays more and more intensely is very entertaining.  This show is a gem.

Well, first off, your one of the only people outside of Westfield who will admit to liking that show. Secondly, thank you for all the compliments. I am a recent graduate of Westfield and we really appreciate the awesome feedback and for starting this post in our name. Also, special thx because I was the Drumline Section Leader that year...(the black guy in the center of the snareline), we worked incredibly hard on that music and its always rewarding to hear good things about what you love to do.

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"Westlake 03 Music of Respighi


It got 5th at San Antonio that year, one of my favorite musical performance by a high school "


eheheh... WestLAKE was most definitely not 5th (no offense) but they were lower than 10th. WestFIELD was 1st...

(what I remember)

Reagan 2nd

LD Bell (I think)




someone (Churchill?)

someone else CyFalls Cy-Creek? Cy-Fair? Cy-Clops?

Cedar Park

maybe Brazoswood was here

Bowie (i have no idea)




anywho I'm pretty sure on the top 5 or so, and Westlake was not one of them.


As for my "favorite overlooked shows"

Owasso 04

Westfield 05 ( I saw it from the floor during SASR prelims... dang. Upper bodies not too great, but it was FO DEF cool - did any tubas ever like pull a muscle doing that? I seriously looked like they took some pills and went into a seizure)

Spring 05 (I dont know, something about the singer girl in the little black dress lol :wub: )

Woodlands 03 (I liked some of the music a lot - not too much of the show idea)

Woodlands 04 (music pretty good, but imprESSIVE gaurd)

Bell 02 (I like the first and last 60 seconds or so, and the drill that goes with it, I wouldn't mind it withouth the middle 6 minutes or so lol no offense)

Oh snap. SFA 03. Marching Profanation?! How they EVER got that into a marchable time signature? I have no idea but props to the directors and arranger


and I'm done

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I dont think yall are that overly underated. i mean ya yall deserve more recognition then yall get sometimes, but theres a BUNCH of bands in texas who deserve some recognition for something extrordinary (SP) theyve done and they arent even known...at all

Yeah, man. You hit the spot on that. I think tht several bnds out there, even those making finals for years on end don't get enough cred. I personally feel Cy Falls has been doing great over the last years, but noone really talks much about them, either.


It just seems like, in Texas especially, there are so many good bands out there, in order to make a name for yourself, you have to do something phenominal or totally over the edge to get noticed.

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Oh snap. SFA 03. Marching Profanation?! How they EVER got that into a marchable time signature? I have no idea but props to the directors and arranger

If I remember right, the arrangement was in 4/4, so we just marched it normal. Occasionally there'd be like a 5/8 bar, where we'd march a 1-2-3, 1-2 type step. It was confusing for about 5 minutes.

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