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School deaths


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Sad to say that I have.


A friend of mine died about a month and a half after Graduation in 2003 of a drug overdose. It's so weird that you bring up this topic because I was cleaning out the trunk of my car today and I found his frisbee that got stuck in my neighboors' tree back when I was in 8th grade. For good ol' time's sake, I played a little Frolf (Frisbee Golf) today.


During my Senior year, a kid in my Math class, who sat directly across from me, shot and killed himself. I went to class one day and he was there. I had to miss class the next day because I had to go play in a small ensemble somewhere off campus. The next class, he was gone. It was definitely traumatic.

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A calculus teacher shot himself my freshman year. He had just recently lost his wife and he was not in very good health. Being a freshman, I didn't get the opportunity to know him, but they say he saw his class the day before he did it and that he wrote a note saying sorry to all of his close friends and students at the school. It was really depressing for so many people because they loved him as a teacher.

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Sad to say that I have.


A friend of mine died about a month and a half after Graduation in 2003 of a drug overdose. It's so weird that you bring up this topic because I was cleaning out the trunk of my car today and I found his frisbee that got stuck in my neighboors' tree back when I was in 8th grade. For good ol' time's sake, I played a little Frolf (Frisbee Golf) today.


During my Senior year, a kid in my Math class, who sat directly across from me, shot and killed himself. I went to class one day and he was there. I had to miss class the next day because I had to go play in a small ensemble somewhere off campus. The next class, he was gone. It was definitely traumatic.

omgg thats sooo sad

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yea i didnt know him but today i felt incredibly sad anyways.. it was weird

Yeah, monday definitely sucked because of that. I talked to the sister of one of his close friends that morning about it and it just tore me up to hear her talk about it. I didn't know Austin either, but I was still really sad. :(

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  • 5 weeks later...

So far, there's been 5 at my school..


A boy that somehow shot himself over christmas break my sophomore year. i still dont know if it was suicide or an accident, but most people say that it was suicide. i didnt know who this person was, but he was greatly missed by alot of people


Also in my sophomore year, a teacher died of cancer. ive never seen her, but they had the funeral at school in the auditorium on a saturday. so when we were at school for a band competition that morning, some of us went to the pre-session. i started crying, and i didnt even know her. it saddened so many people the day when they announced her death over the intercom. we held a moment of silence for her. and since her funeral was int he auditorium on the stage, i always had funny feelings when going to fall play practice in there.


also in my sophomore year, a mentally slow guy died in a car accident. once again, im not sure ive seen him around either. however, i did go to elementary school with his sister, and she was in the wreck as well. she goes to a different HS in the area, but as far as i know, she survived. Him, his sister, and mom were driving down this backroad, which happens to be a danegrous road, and apparently a stop sign was down. they didnt see the intersection and they were hit in the side by a car going perpendicular to them


at the start of my junior year, a senior girl basketball player died in a car accident. didnt know her either, but ive probably seen her around. apparently one morning she snuck out of her house early morning to see her boyfriend and fell asleep at the wheel and careened off the road and flipped her car. she was not wearing a seatbelt, so she flew out of the sunroof and was pinned under the car. she was grealy missed.


at the beginning of this school year, a sophomore died in a car accident. he was a passenger of a friend who was driving drunk (i knew the driver, and its no suprise to me he would do something like that) and i think they were speeding and careened off the corner of the road and neither of them were wearing seatbelts. the passenger, that went to my school, died. i didnt know him, but i was good friends with his cousin. the driver survived.


i dont know about this one, because it was someone who had attended our school at some point, but then left. he drowned in a lake at a neighboring county. i have no idea who he was..



so that's the deaths at my school ive experienced so far. i am glad that none of them were close friends of mine. There is a memorial wall in the library of these people. There are deaths at this school every two years. The same for other HS's around the county, who have just as many tragedies as we do

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